Wednesday, October 10, 2012

silly skeleton pics: part 1

i got some stuff.
plates are from target.
they are .99, 1.99 and 4.99 depending on what size you choose.

skeletons are from the dollar tree. 
the rest of the stuff's from michael's.

i got one of each plate and made some silly pics.

oh i know i am in my upper 40's and should make something sophisticated and beautiful and fancy schmancy but...


i will always be a kid.

it's waaaaaaay funner.

so let's make a fun wall with some pics.

1st we'll start with the 4.99 target plate.

cut one of the hats outta the garland and make your skeleton look handsome or pretty or whatever.
is that anyway to greet our guests?
next time don't try so hard.

so for that i am gonna take you, mr. skeleton and bend you this way and that way and this way and that way and use a hot glue gun all over you so won't move.
man you are stubborn and tricky to bend!
must be them ole' bones. 

oh and i'll grab one of those glitter pumpkins and give you one to hold.


whatcha say mr. skely?
what're ya gonna do with the pumpkin?

it's your masterpiece you made.
so all you need now is this:

yeah i know mr. skeleton, that hurt a bit, but you can give your payback now to your pumpkin for laughing at you.

let's push that "pencil" right in the pumpkin's eye to look like you are "drawing him".
you need one more thing.

and for the finishing touch,

then to hang it, use the finest wall hanging available.

ta da!
(i added the google eyes after i took the pic)
i got 2 more pics i made.
hold on while i make the post...


  1. That is adorable! And what fun! I'm with you - the funner the better!

    1. thanks Jeanette! life's short-better make it as much fun (within reasonable limits-LOL) as possible!

  2. I LOVE your festive skeleton! What a fun idea, it looks great!


  3. That is pretty dang creative and cool! I love it! I hope my kids still like doing fun stuff like forever, cuz I sure do.

    1. i have no doubt that they will love it all their life Michelle! especially when they made those awesome videos with the kid crafts you had :) many thanks again!

  4. You CRACK ME UP! I just love your imagination and style. Thank you for linking up at the Wildly Original party! And for making me laugh.

    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

    1. HAHAHOHOHARDIHARHAR! you just gave me a chuckle cuz your comment was so utterly sweet! :) this is a "lack of adequate sleep" post-i think i write better that way! HA!thanks a mill Christina :)

  5. Hi! I found your Silly Skeleton on Sugar Bee Link Party.
    I would absolutely LOVE if you would LINK UP to my Halloween Link Drive with your Silly Skeleton!

    Here's the link to join:

    1. hi Tracey! i would absolutely loooove to come! thanks so much for inviting me :)

  6. These skeletons make me laugh! Especially the one wearing a witch's hat. You are so creative when combining different materials to make new and interesting things. What a fun addition for Halloween. Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas at our link party each week. I know my readers really enjoy seeing what you come up with!

    1. oh thank YOU Natalie for having me! my kids shake their heads & say "mom, you're crazy!" when i show them what i create. LOL!


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D