ok, so you gotta make these easter egg terrariums!
here comes peter cottontail...

he must have some easter eggs to deliver.
wonder what kind he has?
he seems to be in a hurry to get them
delivered seeing he's not hopping...
well look, this must be what he used.

let's see what he did here.

hey i saw those sprinkles at walmart.
and those candy eggs are from oriental trading but i bet you can use any candy
like jelly beans for instance.
looks like you need to make some of the mini bunnies using that mold from michael's.

oh! goodness!
look at those mini bunnies!
can i see them up close again?
a candy eye was attached to them.

it's a bunny sitting on a grassy field
with some easter eggs.
why, you could add some candy flower sprinkles
in there too if you have some.

uh oh! he's still in a hurry!

wait! wait! can you stop a sec so
we can see the finished eggs?

oh i want one!

wait! wait! i want one!!!

well goodness i think he's gonna stop.
don't mind if i do.

but look! he dropped one.

i'll take that one, thank you very much.

these are awful cute.
i think i want them all.

but oh no there he goes again!

i think he said he's coming your way.
just look for him down the bunny trail...