well guys,
hope your christmas was
fantabulously fantastically wonder full!
mine was over the top busy, event full,
and also wonder full!
i took a mini break from blogging much to my brain's relief, but i couldn't stay away too long on account of the first 2014 holiday comin' round the corner.
so i made these:

yes you read that title right.
these are not just party hats,
they have a treat inside!

so see,
it's a party in a party mix for your partyers at your
new year's party.
(whoa! say that 10 times fast)
and for you hard partyers,
here's something else you can do with it.

and if you can't make it to midnite like me and are already in your pj's drinking white grape juice trying to act all cool making everyone think it's really champagne you are drinking, even if it's only 10 pm and you are dead tired and can't wait til 2014 to actually arrive, then use the rest of the favor kit and bag it up to take it home to munch on when you are more awake.

ok that's a wrap!
have an awesome new year's and be safe if you choose to be a hard partyer :)