Tuesday, September 29, 2015

pom pom spider web placemats

ok so we continue on with more halloween craziness.
today it's a really simple craft cuz i needed some new halloween placemats.
but to tell the truth i coulda used the ones we had already cuz they were lookin' pretty scary.

scary as in old and decrepit with stains that i couldn't remove. 
i just caved and got new ones.

but these aren't just any ole place mats.
no i'm not lyin'.
the idea came when i was at the store and saw these.
"why those look like spider webs." i thought.
and with that in mind, 
i went to target again. 
(lordy keep me away from that store already!)

and i picked up a few things.
oh and teeny tiny black pom poms too.
i already had them and the white pom pom trim in my craft stash.

and i had it in my brain to make giant pom pom spiders until i saw that hat.

that hat with silver glitter pom pom ears.

holy schmoly there were my spiders right there. 
in all their glittery form just waiting to match my silver placemats.
so not only did i get my spider bodies, i got a heart shaped eye skeleton hat for someone's kid i gotta go find and give it to them. lol

well make that 2 kids cuz i got 2 hats at target's dollar spot for 3 bucks each.

now that i had my body i just needed legs.
and eyes too.

glue them peepers to the spider. 

this leaves room for the plate.

and there you have it:

now i saw that one coming!

rooty toot toot!
this post was nominated to be a rockstar here!
i didn't see that coming!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

witch tray halloween dessert stand

hello my pretties!
did ya catch my eyeball dessert stand on my last post?

hope ya did cuz i made another dessert stand
to go along with it.
this one's just as easy peasy.

here's what to do:
as you can see, not all supplies are pictured 
(sorry i was winging it again).

i already glued some eyeball erasers on the tray in the pic. 
and you also see golf tees--please ignore as i originally was going to use them for the witch's noses but heck they are like a yard long (?!) and basically wouldn't work.

i got the eyeball erasers at target clearance last year but any eyeball erasers will do.
and i just LOVE the little witch hats at hobby lobby.

heck i love all things crafty.
that's a real problem guys. :>P
so i had 2 left over, one which i used for my witch apple here
in case you missed that post too.
uh oh. they look like owls.
no prob, we'll fix that...
ok witches are done!
now for the brooms.
those treat sticks are from jo ann's,
the same ones i used to make my fun candy apples here
(boy that's the 2nd time i led you to my crazy apple post!)
broom handles!? HA. 
and that wasn't even said on purpose.
these guys crack me up.

now it's time to get the raven stand, the same one i used for my eyeball monster tray here.
so now there's only one thing left to do.

oh yuck!
hopefully your goodies will be much better than these!

Monday, September 21, 2015

eyeball tray halloween dessert stand

there are a ton of halloween treats floating on 
the blogosphere these days.
but halloween is like over 40 days away.

so are people eating mummified cookies and 
graveyard pudding cups already?
anyway, the next couple of halloween posts i'll have will be focused more on crafts unless i come up with something that i can freeze and not taste rotten by the time halloween day actually comes.
we'll see...

and speaking of seeing, 
someone's lookin' at you right now!
ok so maybe not someone, 
but there sure are a lot of eyes up there.
target AGAIN? sigh...
that's a piece of paper you see in that tray i guess 
as a demo of how you can use it. 

but then again some folks may think i'm weird sticking eyeballs all around it.
nevertheless, here's how it went.
that thing under the eyeball is the cover for the E-6000 glue.
when you use the glue you have to hold the eyeball in place til it dries a little.

you could hot glue the eyeballs on but i wanted something stronger so they don't pop out of the socket fall off the tray with use. 
this is a chalk tray so you gotta use chalk markers for the markers to show up on the tray. 
i got mine here on amazon and looooooove them!

and there you have it.
you can leave it alone as is, but i felt like it needed some height in order for the faces to be seen, especially when it sits on a table and everyone sees it from the top.

so i happen to be at ross, which is like a glorified garage sale store to me in some ways, and you really have to look to find good buys.
like when i saw these:
it was like it was meant to be!
and these babies are HEAVY too so i joined the ravens with the eyeballs and my craft was done.

(i made another tray too so you'll have to see how that one looks at the next post.)

so now all ya gotta do is place your halloween treats on it and you're good to go.

just beware there are monsters that may snatch 
a goodie or two from it...
well, if i make some now they will probably be stale by the time the 31st comes, so i'll gladly hand those to the monsters myself.  :>P

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

halloween faux fun candy apples

ok guys.
i'm offically on the halloween band wagon.
hope you're ready cuz halloween's my bday and it gets a little crazy around here.

crazy meaning tons and tons of halloween crazy crafts & goodies so by the time halloween actually gets here,
you will be so sick of halloween you'll wanna shoot me. 
and then turkey day and christmas fever starts and before you know it, it's valentine's day.

anyway, last week i went to world market.
i spent awhile looking at all the cool food in there, 
not knowing what half of the stuff tastes like.

the stuff i did get there was quite tasty though but i am always tempted to make some kinda craft with it.

my mind got a little overwhelmed so i ended up 
just getting a bag of fake apples.

you'd think i'd just stick them in a bowl or something but instead,
i made them into halloween crazies.
so crazy in fact, that now i am utterly tired and have decided to get some help with this post. 
so here's my posting partner, 
mrs. f. apple...
("whatever you got" meaning odds and ends and such...
hold on and you'll see)
they are supposed to be for real apples but i don't see anywhere on the package that says you can't use it 
for fake ones. lol
(i used the knife for all the apple mouths, even if they were just slits, 
and then went over them in paint pen.
you'll see on a few of them the cuts under the marker.)

ok let's move on.
now it's time to get that 
"whatever you got" stuff and some tacky glue...

just push those tic tac babies up in that ole styrofoam apple with a little bit o'glue on the end. 

next up:
repeat for a total of 6 legs.
or 8 if you want.
look something's flown into the room!

you having fun yet?
fancy eyes and nose you got there Mrs.F. Apple.
(oh and if you were wondering, i pushed a pink banana candy inside her mouth)

here's another beauty:
and someone else came in lookin' for a bite...
and possibly his mummy?
along with her green bodyguard.
don't ask about the frank furter thing-i think i'm delirious.

maybe i should be in ICU.
or it''s probably just a bad hair day.
ok guys, we got 2 more apples left in the dozen.
should we invite ghastly ghost?
mr. skely bones?

nah, we need a leader in this gang.

hmmm, maybe he's not so great cuz he's not a "true" pumpkin but rather an apple?!?...
woah! that's some hairdo! 
i'm sure hubby Frankenstein would approve.

too late.
so there they all are.
good hair, bad hair, no hair.
hope it's a hair raising experience making and showing these to all ghouls and goblins in your life.
and to actually make sure no one picks these up 
and eats 'em,
you can always stick them down with a removable glue dot like i did as you can see under Mama Mummy if you look real close.

and pick up a cutie patootie
witch cakestand at home goods for less than $20 before they're all gone too.
however way you choose to make them,
just remember to have fun and open up your mind to all kinds of crazies.
cuz crazy creepy cute is what i'm aiming for this halloween.
bad hair day or not.