it's almost 2013.
the time for new year's resolutions.
i resolve to lose 10 pounds.
i resolve to be more organized.
i resolve to spend more time with the kids instead of my computer.
i resolve to make my holiday cookies look like these:

is it all poppycock?
let's do a reality check and call this post:

here goes.
i resolve to not gain 10 more pounds.
(this means i can have 2 cookies after that meal instead of 5. or 5 little ones instead of 2 big ones.)
i resolve to be more organized with ummmm...lists that i have lying around.
(this means throw the list away when all the stuff is crossed off of it before making another one...huh? you mean i have to cross the stuff off?!?!?!?!)
i resolve to spend more time with the kids on the computer
when i ask them to wash the dishes so i can have more time with them right after i make a post and link up to 17 million linky parties.
i resolve to make my holiday cookies look like the ones above.
. . . . . .
...hey now!
THERE'S a resolution i think I can actually pull off!
good luck on your new year 2013 resolutions!
realistically or unrealistically