happy macy's parade day!
happy pie day!
happy stuff your face day!
happy time to be grateful day!
i got this year's turkey day round-up together for your viewing and (hopefully) clicking pleasure.

there were many turkeys around these past few weeks.
some indians came along too,
as you can see here:

so we had to get a lot of corn
like these to feed them!

and we had to tell Myles to calm down here.

because we ALL have to take time to give thanks
like this plate says:

cuz no matter what we have
(and we all have something to be grateful for!),
pie, or cookie or anything for that matter,

we can stare at that turkey, or whatever other tangible or intangible thing, right in the eye,

and say THANK YOU!
oh and you can add a gobble gobble to that too.

here's to a BLESSED THANKSGIVING to all.
i am ever so very grateful to each and every one of YOU!