Saturday, October 29, 2016

quick halloween treats: frankenstein bars and finger fudge

oh goodness!
no more halloween ideas to fulfill for me cuz my party is TONITE.

so without further ado, 
here are 2 lickety splickety halloween treats to make 
for a last minute treat.
use any sugar cookie mix and follow directions.
then frost with green frosting (i used this recipe) and...

next up, i used this fudge from walmart and the fingers from joann's to do this:

i'll show you how it's all cut up when i post about the party next week since i have to wait for it to set up.
for now, may all your tricks be treats :)


  1. Hooray!! It's party day!!! Have a wonderful time and show us lots of pics!!!! Dona

  2. Lisa! Your finger foods look so yummy! ;)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D