Wednesday, November 18, 2015

mini turkey and indian cookies

hey so my son tells me,
"mom i signed us up to bring thanksgiving 
cookies for our class party."
i gotta bring thanksgiving cookies? 
who has thanksgiving cookies?
anyone? anyone? bueller?
oh gosh i gotta make some!

no prob. i got this!
i saw some ready made turkey cookies at target the other day.
just throw them babies in the oven and we are good to go...
dum dee dum...

i head off to target to grab me a few packages...
and i go right to the aisle..
to see, it's all EMPTY!
i start to panic. 
so i go to walmart that's up the next block.

there's gotta be some turkey packages around here somewhere.
and lo and behold.

i was in a turkey cookie panic.
i do not have time to make thanksgiving cookies i thought!
so why the heck don't i just get regular ole cookies and call it a day?

well, i was just about to go there til i saw this:
hey! i think i know what to do now.
 i opened up my sprinkle drawer at home.
i baked the cookies as directed.
and did this:
and added this:
and got this:
and attached these:
to get these:
but uh oh...
i was running out of sprinkles for the rest of the cookies...
would these do?
a one-feathered turkey?

let's fix that.

whew! i got my thanksgiving cookies after all.
now i gotta find the time to bag these all.

oh the joys of the holidays!

when's christmas again?


  1. Wow! You sure pulled it out of the fire, didn't you! And they are SO cute!!!! Oh, BBFF, I do remember the days when my kids would come home with those kind of surprises! (sigh) Nope! Don't miss it at all! Dona

    1. LOL! well in this case he did give me a little time it was just my work schedule that got in the way BBFF! :>O anyway, it seems i work better under pressure cuz if i saw those cookies i woulda just made them as pumpkins. y'know like a normal person would do which is what i'm not! ;) thanks again Dona!

  2. Oh Lisa, you can come up with something so cute at a moments notice! I'm pretty sure your child will sign you up for many more treats!!

    1. thanks so much Kim! my kiddo told me "it doesn't have to be anything fancy mom!" dog gone it doesn't he know i am incapable of normal stuff? lol ;)

  3. LOL What a cute story! And a great way to pull out of it! I'm sure your son was coerced into signing up for cookies becuz they knew mom would manage to do it up right!

    1. i think i am spoiling his class now-on halloween i made treat bags and a student brought it up to the office for the class collection. when it was time to pass them out, there were a few missing! this time i made a few extra-guess that's better than no one liking them! ;) you know J, making stuff is in our blood!

  4. Okay..Those turkey cookies are CUTE! But those Indians..I LOVE them! Once again Lisa, you're awesome! I know your son was excited to take those cookies to his party! :)

    1. those indians are what i call a happy accident Karen! i was gonna put a sour belt band on the head but ran outta time. that would boost the cuteness factor up quite a bit don'tcha think? :)

  5. These are super creative! I love that you made them from pumpkin cookies :).

    1. desperate times call for desperate measures Valerie! lol thank you so much for stopping by! :)

  6. You are a genius to come up with this idea! So clever! Thank you for sharing with us at Create • Share • Inspire Link Party. We hope to see you back this week!

    1. oh gosh THANK YOU Alicia! i think i work better under pressure!??? ;)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D