Monday, November 18, 2013

indian macarons

you wanna know how i made these?

 ok, but first i must say that i have to give credit to the indians when it comes to thanksgiving cuz they, after all, were the ones to show the pilgrims how to make a lot of things at a time of great need.

and i already made pilgrims for thanksgiving so today we are making indians...

...out of macarons.
it's not as hard as you think really!
see, look:
the recipe comes from HERE on the martha site and i pretty much followed her directions to a "T" except i used almond flour that i bought at tj maxx awhile ago. 
it's much much easier to use than ground almonds and i think that is the reason why macarons are tricky to make in the first place.

but these were easy for me.
except i was doing 99 other things at the time. 

like helping my son with his homework.
and cooking dinner.
and washing dishes.
and talking on the phone.
and and and....

well, you get the picture.
when you pipe the feathers, be sure to only do it for HALF the cookies as the ones without will be the back of each macaron.

so anywho, 
i thought the banging was enough to smooth the macaron out and the heat from the oven would help too but well, when you are doing 99 other things, everything doesn't always work out.

but these cookies are for my family and i wasn't picky really.
i mean i did make some good ones for the first time here, and this was only my 2nd time to make these.

 i also forgot to let them sit long enough unlike the first time i made them but, 
oh well, c'est la vie.

just be sure to follow martha's recipe to a T if you want perfect macarons!

now for the filling, see my first macaron recipe here. i could use another recipe but i distinctly remember how delicious these were the first time so i made them again.
so i guess they came out alright after all.
next time i will scratch out the 98 other things i am doing and concentrate on these alone. 

that's how.

oh and btw,i had a little leftover green macaron batter so i piped 2 cookies to make one macaron.
and this is what i did with the green one:
finally those darn food markers work like they're supposed to!

i must make more macarons so i can draw again!
only there is always so much to do every day.
so the question is,


  1. "How" are these cute! errr, I mean "WOW!" are these cute! I am actually thinking of them as a treat for a Native American adventure at grandma's house...just a fun weekend of reading and making related crafts. We'll sleep in a teepee (that grandpa is going to make but he doesn't know it yet!) - and then when it's snack time, here comes good old grandma with milk and a plate of these! Yum!

    1. oh my goodness! can i come over? i'll even bring these guys and share. never slept in a teepee before! did you know you sound like the best grandma ever?! :>O lucky grandkids they are J! thanks so much! :)

  2. You managed to make some incredibly detailed macaroons considering the 98 other things you had going on. They turned out great! I'm amazed at all the detail you were able to draw on the delicate cookies. I've only attempted macroons once, and that was in a cooking class. I might have to give them another try soon.

    Beth @ Hungry Happenings

    1. if you can make a TURKEY out of a cake with a SURPRISE in it, then you can whip these babies out with no trouble at all Beth. heck I bet you can make a surprise inside macaron with all the talent that pours outta you :>D!!!

  3. These are beyond adorable! You wear me out just reading all you do!! Gonna go rest. Your BBFF, Dona

    1. HAHAHA you never fail to make me giggle Dona! that's why you're my BBFF. and i constantly wear myself out :>P please help! lol

  4. These are really adorable, I'll have to show my daughter, who loves to make macarons! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. thank you Michelle! now that i made macarons twice, i think i will be just like your daughter :)

  5. Love, love, love this idea! Of course I had to pin it so I could use it as a craft for my kiddos. Thanks so much for the post! Have a Happy Thanksgiving. :)

    1. love love love that you love love love it Penny! thank you SO much for the pin too! :)

  6. wow i love these!! I haven't even done macarons yet (they are on my food bucket list!) and your'e doing macaron characters!?? so impressed!!

    1. oh Michelle! if you can make adorable people from candy you can surely make these! and i bet they'd be perfect. thank you SO much! :>D

  7. Seriously, I am in love with these little macarons - I don't think I could ever make a macaron look that cute!

    1. seriously of all the bloggers i know, i KNOW you could make these Kim! you have the gift :>D thanks again and again! :)

  8. Hi Lisa,
    I am so impressed. These are so cute Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned Link Party. Have a great Thanksgiving.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

  9. I need to make these….NOW…they look great…and I love the idea of food markers.

    1. yippee! i hope you do make them trixi! they're a blast to decorate and the food markers make it easy to do so :) thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. I love your Native American macaroons! They are absolutely adorable and the look super delicious! Yet another creative treat from you. Such an inspiration!

    1. oh WOW! thank YOU so much Aida! you are super sweet :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D