it's red carpet night here on hoopla palooza :)
today we have
to be handed out to
but before we get started,
does anyone have a Tylenol to spare? cuz man oh man oh man oh man, this was sooo not an easy post to put together!
i spent an inordinate amount of time searching and scouring the web for the following nominees.
only cuz there are a million blogs out there that i love and man was it
i was gonna post this up on oscar night but i don't want these blogs to wait any longer for their award.
these blogs definitely shine and need to be seen by as many peeps as possible.
some have a lot of followers, but most do not. please give these talented ladies a look into their blogs!
it's red carpet night here on hoopla palooza :)
this is silly me and my son-check out
today we have
to be handed out to
but before we get started,
does anyone have a Tylenol to spare? cuz man oh man oh man oh man, this was sooo not an easy post to put together!
i spent an inordinate amount of time searching and scouring the web for the following nominees.
only cuz there are a million blogs out there that i love and man was it
i was gonna post this up on oscar night but i don't want these blogs to wait any longer for their award.
these blogs definitely shine and need to be seen by as many peeps as possible.
some have a lot of followers, but most do not. please give these talented ladies a look into their blogs!
before i give out the nominations, first lemme tell you how this all came to be...
i was nominated for the
Versatile Blogger Award
in order for me to pass the award, i had to follow
The Rules:
The Rules:
1. thank the person who gave you the award.
2. include a link to their blog.
3. select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve discovered recently or follow regularly.
4. nominate those 15 bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award (include a link back to your post!)
5. finally tell the people you nominated (& other blog readers) 7 things about yourself.
2. include a link to their blog.
3. select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve discovered recently or follow regularly.
4. nominate those 15 bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award (include a link back to your post!)
5. finally tell the people you nominated (& other blog readers) 7 things about yourself.
7 Things About Me:
1. my oldest kid (47 yr old hubby) is the hardest to maintain. my 10 and 14-yr-old are a piece of cake compared to him. LOL
2. i wish i could blog 7/24. that's 7 hrs a day cuz i gotta give my eyes a break y'know? oh, plus i work as a nurse.
3. i am horrible at needlework. but i can poke myself with a needle fairly well!
4. i die with a hot krispy kreme donut.
5. i wake up thinking of blog posts totally against my will.
6. i love anything with sprinkles.
put it on a rat? i love it.
7. martha stewart is my sister. just kidding! was seeing if you were paying attention...
2. i wish i could blog 7/24. that's 7 hrs a day cuz i gotta give my eyes a break y'know? oh, plus i work as a nurse.
3. i am horrible at needlework. but i can poke myself with a needle fairly well!
4. i die with a hot krispy kreme donut.
5. i wake up thinking of blog posts totally against my will.
6. i love anything with sprinkles.
put it on a rat? i love it.
7. martha stewart is my sister. just kidding! was seeing if you were paying attention...

- http://mylove2create.blogspot.com/
- http://www.wonkywonderful.com/
- http://feelinglovesome.blogspot.com/
- http://partyplanningcenter.blogspot.com/
- http://www.bingobuttercupcrafts.com/
- http://www.thepurplepumpkinblog.co.uk/
- http://www.thepinkflour.com/
- http://www.thekimsixfix.com/
- http://unsophisticatedkitchen.blogspot.com/
- http://www.osiemoats.com/
- http://newhousetohome.blogspot.com/
- http://www.myfabulesslife.com/
- http://www.2littlehooligans.com/
- http://cuteeverything.com/
- http://allamberallthetime.blogspot.com/
i was also nominated for another Leibster award by
oh ROBIN! you totally made my day :)
the first Leibster i was nominated for was by the sweet NEECEE of PINE CREEK STYLE waaaay back in August 2012! i was soooo stoked when NEECEE nominated me!
i am such a LAMO for not extending the award to others til now!
i am such a LAMO for not extending the award to others til now!
but for good reason cuz i searched and searched for the best ones i could find. and a ton of them already had 200 plus followers or had social media sites that i had no idea how many followers they had.
anyway, the Leibster Award is given to new and up-and-coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging. the award is passed on to other bloggers that fit the criteria to help spread the word.
The Rules:
1. each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. no tag backs.
11 Questions Robin Asked Me
1. why did you start blogging?
i dunno. guess i was bored? no really, i had to find a
de-stressor from nursing.
2. right or left handed?
2. right or left handed?
actually i have 2 hands
3. sweet or salty snacks?
3. sweet or salty snacks?
all of the above
4. favorite color?
4. favorite color?
5. dream vacation?
5. dream vacation?
anywhere aside from work
6. single or married?
6. single or married?
attached at the hip for 20 years!
7. how many states have you visited?
7. how many states have you visited?
that is a very good question.
too many to count.
8. favorite movie?
8. favorite movie?
too many to count.
9. favorite vegetable?
9. favorite vegetable?
yuck! zero.
10. favorite holiday?
10. favorite holiday?
any one where i don't have to go to work.
11. do you like cooking on gas or electric?
11. do you like cooking on gas or electric?
well i have gas so...WAIT! that sounds HORRIBLE!
11 Random Facts about Me
oh goodness! again? ok here goes:
1. give me something with a flaky brown sugar and cinnamon pastry and i am yours forever.
2. my friends think i can come up with creative ideas on the spot and i tell them they are stressing me out.
3. i flip out in happiness when i get a follower.
4. i am afraid of social media sites taking away my very limited free time.
5. i am a sucker for miniature food and cool packaging.
6. i used to only watch American Idol religiously but now i don't watch anything cuz my hubby hogs the tv anyway and 2 certain women judges annoy me.
7. i think i missed my calling to be some kinda creative person earning a living so i just settle for this blog.
8. anything whimsical makes me weak at the knees.
9. i'm not a fan of lazy people.
10. i get tired of telling my family to wash the dishes. (kinda goes along with #9).
11. i am tired of talking about myself.
11 Questions for Nominees
1. what did you think when you found out you were nominated?
2. if you found a wallet full of $$$, what would you do?
3. how has blogging changed your life?
4. what's the last thing you bought yourself?
5. how often do you think about your blog?
6. ever eat a whole bucket of ice cream by yourself?
7. ever eat a whole pack of chips by yourself?
8. what do you think of spiders?
9. favorite thing to talk about?
10.least favorite thing to talk about?
11.what do you think of these crazy questions?
- http://www.itbakesmehappy.com/
- http://thevelvetmoonbaker.blogspot.ie/
- http://dishonthedelish.blogspot.com/
- http://www.toddlindsey.com/
- http://5foot12creations.blogspot.com/
- http://www.mandiestwocents.blogspot.com/
- http://lpcrafts.blogspot.com.au/
- http://www.makinglifewhimsical.com/
- http://maddalee.blogspot.com/
- http://www.lifecreated.com/
- http://bigkfam.blogspot.com/
so how's 'bout that Tylenol?
dang! where's a nurse when you need one?!?!
oh never mind, i'll just go visit these blogs again to make me feel better.
i certainly hope you do too!
thank you so much for your wonderful blog :)
I am always amazed at how many great blogs there are out there and it looks like you have unearthed a real nice handful of them! I'll be back to check 'em all out, but gotta go lay down now...have a bad cough and sore throat (help! NURSE! My pain is a 12 !) LOL j/k - my daughter is a nurse too and she comes home shakin' her head every night! (But I do have a bad cold, although my "pain" is prolly about a 2!)
ReplyDeleteoh no J! a 12? now that is my fave number but not on pain scale! ....oh i see you are really a 2 so here's some advice: lock the door, shut the lights, put a sign on your door that says "enter at your own risk" and take a 5 hour nap! heehee works every time! oh and hope you do get to catch up with these ladies-they're wonderful! :) thanks again J and feel better real real SOON! :)
Deletelol Thanks for the good wishes...just couldn't resist interjecting some "nurse humor!"
DeleteLOL!!! :>D
DeleteThanks for the Liebster Award! ;-)
ReplyDeleteyou are so very welcome Viv! :) and thank YOU for being my newest GFC! YAHOOOO!
DeleteThanks so much for the award, I certainly try to be versatile, LOL!! I enjoyed reading the interesting facts about you, I can relate to many of them (ie. getting ppl to do the dishes and loving mini foods!). I appreciate your kindness!!
ReplyDeleteoh Michelle-i pretty much LOVE every post you have but only comment on a few so it doesn't look like i am stalking you even though i am! heehee here's to more dish washing help! :>D
DeleteWell, I'm usually the one stalking, so that makes me feel MUCH better now that I know I'm being stalked, too!!
ReplyDeleteyay! we're stalking buddies :>D
DeleteThank you so much for the nomination Lisa ♥ I am totally going to sort out what I have to do for this as soon as I get my blog brain back into gear - going away for a short weekend break has thrown off all my mojos and I'm currently playing catch up!!
ReplyDeleteI was nominated for another award ages ago, and still haven't sorted that out either :|
thanks again xx
And without further ado, and many hours typing this post, losing it somehow and having to re-type it -__- is my Versatile Blogger Award post!
Deleteoh my goodness! i feel your pain Michelle-it took me foooooorrrrreeeevvvveeeerrrr to make this post too-since August actually-LOL! so I'm super impressed you got it done so quick and LOVED the post!!! CONGRATS again! :>D