hey did you get to see my post about making
a mother's day plate?
i was a little ahead on that holiday and
forgot 'ole cinco de mayo was coming up first.
so...i made these plates.

if you follow that post i mentioned,
you too can make these festive mexican plates
for the 5th of May or actually, any fiesta.
first i grabbed this cactus image form here (if you scroll way down the link) and then printed it out backwards.

i cut it out and taped it print side down
on the front of the plate so i can do this
to the back of it using a black paint pen:

remove the printed image on the front
to reveal how well you traced the image.

hey now! how fun is that?
now get to coloring the back of the plate
with more paint pens.

keep going to finally get your finished
cute party cactus:

from google. don't forget to print backwards!
cut out the fiesta part and tape it
to the front of the plate,
then trace and color on the back of the plate.

party time!

we need some pinatas for the party.

i just moved the pinata image around and
then kept it taped so i could follow
the color pattern.

pinata time!

taco 'bout a party!
(i used this image and just free handed the taco)

so there you have some fun
cinco de mayo party plates.

you can use them as is or place
charger plates under them to really
have the images pop.

don't forget to seal the image with dishwasher safe mod podge applied on the back!

the possibilities of making your own
custom plates are endless!
but be careful cuz once you start you
may never take a siesta cuz
you'll be having too much fun.
taco 'bout a party!