ok so we continue on with more halloween craziness.
today it's a really simple craft cuz i needed some new halloween placemats.
but to tell the truth i coulda used the ones we had already cuz they were lookin' pretty scary.
scary as in old and decrepit with stains that i couldn't remove.
i just caved and got new ones.
but these aren't just any ole place mats.
no i'm not lyin'.

the idea came when i was at the store and saw these.

"why those look like spider webs." i thought.
and with that in mind,
i went to target again.
(lordy keep me away from that store already!)
and i picked up a few things.

oh and teeny tiny black pom poms too.
i already had them and the white pom pom trim in my craft stash.
and i had it in my brain to make giant pom pom spiders until i saw that hat.
that hat with silver glitter pom pom ears.
holy schmoly there were my spiders right there.
in all their glittery form just waiting to match my silver placemats.

so not only did i get my spider bodies, i got a heart shaped eye skeleton hat for someone's kid i gotta go find and give it to them. lol
well make that 2 kids cuz i got 2 hats at target's dollar spot for 3 bucks each.
now that i had my body i just needed legs.

and eyes too.

glue them peepers to the spider.

this leaves room for the plate.
and there you have it:

now i saw that one coming!
rooty toot toot!
this post was nominated to be a rockstar here!
i didn't see that coming!