ever come up with something
only to find out it was already there?
it happened when the idea to make these treats came to me upon awakening one morning and i was so excited to get started on them.
i always like to challenge myself to think up new ideas that are fresh on this blog.
but for these i made them first without doing the usual google search. so when i thought of this idea and found that it really wasn't my original idea my heart sank a little.
but Sandra's cookies and talent are so impressionable and genius to me they are now lodged in my conscious and subconscious mind, and it just takes this old brain to realize that this idea was really her original idea when i saw and commented on her post last year.
i just (oopsies) kinda forgot it was already out there. looks like i read waaaay too many blogs with waaaaay too many things i wanna make.
anyway, i wasn't gonna post these but i obviously changed my mind. at least they are a slightly different idea to the original and i made them in only 1/2 hour.
here goes:

i flipped the cookies out of the whoopie pie pan onto a cookie sheet then i flipped them again onto another cookie sheet.
while they are still warm, cut them in half.

if you want a lot of ground beef (aka chocolate) place another kiss on the other side too immediately upon flipping them as shown then spread after the kisses soften to get "double meat".
i wanted the back of the cookie to be shown on the outside for more uniformity to resemble tacos which is why i flipped the cookies twice.
(i sure hope you understand what i just said!)

whoa! it's a walking talking taco!

and there you have the unoriginal but kinda original peanut butter taco cookie.

treats for the upcoming cinco de mayo celebration coming up next Monday.

i know peanut butter and chocolate doesn't really sound appetizing when you are talking tacos but i wanted some chocolate in there somewhere and wanted to make these in a hurry.
peanut butter ready made mix with chocolate hershey kisses and sprinkle taco cookies
should really be the title for these cookies but we'll just stick to my unoriginal idea and call it a day.