ok this year?
probably one of the most challenging ones
i've had as far as personal issues but
one of the most fun i've had as far as creative issues go.
sure don't wanna bring up those personal issues so let's just take a look at the top 15 reader/popular posts for 2014.

so in no particular order,
let's begin.
just click on the link below the pic to take you to the post.

5. mason jars are another pinterest craze but i couldn't have another jar sitting around my shelves or i would be put in one by my hubby (just kidding) so i made these bag ones instead.
6. funny what a cool printable can do to my brain. i turned it into an oven with a tiny treat inside.

cuz as far as my blog goes,
for now,
i'm never leaving this place.
and hope you don't either.
happy new year 2015 everyone!!!