Saturday, August 8, 2015

positive pencil pretzels

excuse me a sec while i whine.

SUMMER"S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok. guess i'm done whining and have to face the fact that school starts in 2 days.

no more sleeping in.
no more homework-less nights.
no more live without a care in the world cuz i don't have to work days.

what's a summer lovin' girl to do then?

hey think i'll make some school treats to brighten up the day.
cuz every student needs school supplies,
here's what you need to start making these.
ok cross those school supplies off the list and add some ghiardelli large chocolate chips,
yellow and pink candy melts, 
green cookie icing, 
black food marker and parchment paper.

now on to the how to:

now to personalize them,
and not with just a "no.2" either.

this time we are gonna make them special to help your kid/student/teacher/whoever get some motivation for a successful school year.

you could also write the kids' name on them, or their school, or anything else really.

then pack 'em up, with a really cool tag like this one, and send them off with well wishes of success.
just think what all the kids in an entire class would say if they got this!
cuz i'm sure any kid can't wait to hear when their teacher says, "ok kids, time to get your pencils out!" 


  1. Right now I'm in need of a few of those adorable positive pencils...I accidentally deleted 1000's of photos off my blog and am working one by one reloading each photo!! I've seen a lot of pencils and these are some of the CUTEST!!

    1. OH NO!!! that is terrible Kim! :( :( :( wish i could send you to a candy factory for a all you can get shopping spree cuz if i did that with my pics i'd be one basket case! sending you lots and lots of hugs! :>D

  2. After I got over my shock of anyone actually complaining cuz summer is over, I went on.....and love these! Easy peasy chili beansies!! I really want to do these for my granddaughter...she's going into 8th grade and would love 'em!! As for the summer thing....I see your point, but I do live in AZ, where no one complains of summer being over!!!! So how about a little school cheer for you? Sis boom bah, rah, rah, rah, BBFF! BBFF! Rah, rah, rah!!!!!! (here's where I shake my pom poms). Dona

    1. well to be honest Dona i only love summer cuz i'm off of work-it's definitely not due to the heat! lol we always travel up north to get away from the heat and enjoy cool summers elsewhere :) nothing better than a school cheer from my BBFF as i need a lot of it to get myself motivated to go back! :>O

  3. These are just wonderful! Mmmmm I can just taste them too! But you better be careful, if it gets out to the kids that the school nurse has pencils to give out to "sick kids" the line of "tummy aches" will be wrapped around the building!

    1. LOL! fortunately these are for the other school nurses i know and NOT for the kids-gosh the first year i was a school nurse i gave out cool bandaids and stickers and that was the end of the line wrapped around the building-whew! what a close call J! hehe ;)

  4. Wow these are just the cutest pencil pretzels. Thanks for sharing this at Cooking & Crafting with J & J.

    1. so happy you like them Julie! they fit write don't they? (corny joke-lol) :>P

  5. Love these too cute pencils! I always dreaded that "back to school bell" when my kiddos were younger..loved our summertime fun spent together. Your pencil pretzels will make that first day a little sweeter! :)

    1. and that they did Karen-although i wish i had some of these the first day when i was a kid-holy cow i was a nervous wreck and thinking about it now makes me think how silly i was! :>O time sure flies doesn't it? always happy to have you here! :>D

  6. Oh I love these too. How creative! Come over for the Fabulous Fall party.
    I think I'll stay here for awhile and be inspired!

    1. oh how happy you made me feel just reading your sweet comment Grantham Lynn! i do hope something inspires you here. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! :>D

  7. These pencil treats are so cute, and I love the messages on them! I love your creativity!! Thanks for sharing at the Submarine Sunday Link Party!!!

    1. you are so sweet T'onna! thank you for your party too! :)

  8. Such a cute idea with your pencil pretzels! Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. you have to sharpen these kinda pencils with your teeth Kathy! LOL thanks for your party! :)

  9. OH my gosh, these are too cute!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  10. Awesome, I love the positive messages.

    1. thanks Linda! i think that's what makes them stand out from all the other bazillion pretzel pencils in blogland! ;)

  11. Love this!! So creative, the children will eat them all so fast! I shared on my G+. Would love for you to link up with us at the Merry Monday party.
    Stopping by from Summer Family Fun.

    1. WOOHOO! i hold you personally responsible for my happy dance Shirley! :) i'll go check out the party too!

  12. Hi Lisa. Oh another Fabulously creative idea! I love this too. I wanted to let you know The Fabulous Fall linky Party for this week just went live! Come over and party with us! Hope to see you!
    Have a great week!

    1. gosh Grantham Lynn you sure are sweet! once i get some fall crafts done i'll be sure to stop at your party! :)

  13. Those are adorable!!! What a great way to help school be fun! :)

    1. thank you thank you Jamie! i think every kid wants school to be fun not to mention parents! LOL ;)

  14. Coated pretzels are great, but made into pencils...AWESOME sauce! These look adorable and is something I think my teen girls could do too.

    1. and your comment is AWESOME sauce Erin! thank you SO much! :>D

  15. Thanks so much for linking up to the weekly Block Party. You've been featured!

    1. HIP HIP HOORAY! thanks for making my day Polly! :>D!

  16. These are adorable! We loved them and featured them, too. Happy school year!

    1. WOOHOO! thank you SO much for the feature Ivy and Elephants! jeepers these pencils are popular-who'da thunk?! :>D

  17. I adore these pretzel pencils! So great for so many reasons! To borrow one of your pencil sentiments; You Rock!

    1. oh gosh! no YOU ROCK Sue! i should make you a pencil that says "QUEEN OF ALL OVER THE TOP CUTE COOKIES"! heehee :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D