Thursday, August 22, 2013

pencil stacker eraser pretzels

well guys,
summer's officially over around here. 

but it's not because our temps are in the 70's.
or that there are leaves falling from the trees.

our weather doesn't change too often around these parts.
so we go by season's according to what's happening in life or cuz it's a holiday. 

i know, it sounds nutty. 

anywho at this time of year, summer's over cuz school started. and i am back to work M-F. blah. 

i say that cuz i didn't get a chance to do some fun blogging for a bit cuz of work and i had a brain blog infarct and was wondering when i would get over it.

then i saw these and my blogger brain was at it again.

oh and before i forget, i got some chocolate candiquik too.

and so i trimmed and glued and giggled some more. 
cuz i ended up with this:

whadd'ya think about 'em?
here i'll let you meet them in person...

ok so i know they are so completely silly.
completey un-adult like. 

but they make me completely smile.

and i'm taking that to work with me.


  1. There is nothing better than to start the day with a great big smile!! I almost started to wonder if there was going to be anything to actually eat in this post.....and you did not disappoint! John is my he married? Oh, never mind if I ever met him, I'd probably bite his head off the first time I laid eyes on him. Another winner, girl! Your BBFF, Dona

    1. you're right about the big smile first thing Dona cuz that's what you gave me! but poor John, he was all thrilled when you asked if he was married but now he hid somewhere since you want to bite off his head. i told him better luck next time. :>D

  2. Replies
    1. jeepers thank you Beth! and you are soooo awesome! :)

  3. You are too much! Your pencil family is fantastic and I got a kick out of your commentary! :)

    1. i am too much? maybe i will go on sale. or clearance better yet. HAHAHA :>D
      and sorry you got a kick. hope it didn't hurt too much. heehee
      thanks so much Sue and hope you don't mind my nuttiness! i seriously LOVE when you visit and comment! :)

  4. What a silly way to brighten your day! Love it! We could all use a bit more silliness in our lives!

    Visiting from #KITK

    1. my hubby thinks i am too silly sometimes for my own good! LOL thanks so much Mommy, LCSW! :)

  5. Replies
    1. oh my Kelley! yours is one of the BEST comments! :>D

  6. I love that you buy things that make you smile, so I'm not alone! I have not seen these eraser toppers and I just might have to pick some up - and what you created out of the pretzels is just plain adorable!

    1. things that make me smile=hoarder=cluttered garage=mad husband
      hey Kim, maybe we can rent a mansion together and just fill it up with things that make us smile. ...wonder if there's a 500 bedroom up for a good price...LOL
      thanks again and again! :>D

  7. No stinking way! Yours look even better than the eraser ones! How fun. You are a total candy quick genius! Love everything that you make!!!!

    1. no stinking way you love everything i make?!?! holy schmoly Erin! you are SUPER DUPER sweet!!!!!! :>D THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!

  8. Replies
    1. thank you thank you Diana! i'd never guess in a million years i'd make a cowboy pretzel in my life and name him john wayne howdy! HAHAHA :)

  9. How long ago did you find those erasers? My dad would love them but I can't find them online anywhere :(((

    1. i got them a few weeks ago at Target in their school supply section. i sure hope you can find them! your dad sure sounds like a fun guy :) thank you so much Randi!

    2. Alright, I will have to take a trip to Target...twist my arm ;)

    3. LOL! at ours there was a whole section box filled with them. oh btw i hope your arm doesn't hurt ;)

    4. Well turns out, not a Target by me has them. I have feelers out now on my local swap page and hopefully someone in the entire city of Seattle can find them, if not, I also but a blast on Facebook, so I am hoping someone that I know in the entire country will find them.

      Oh and I emailed the company. Talk about stalker status. This is how crazy I am to find them. I would become daughter of the Millenium if I can find them here. Millenium I tell you

    5. after work today i'll check and see if they have some more and let you know! in the meantime can you let me know too if you get them sooner. i'll keep my fingers crossed!:>O

    6. hiya Daughter of the Millenium Girl, check your email (I found it on your site) cuz i got the erasers for you!!!! yippee!!! :>D

  10. These are sooooooooooooooo CUTE !!
    They make me wanna go back to school...... :)

    1. thank you Winnie! i think i would've done better in school too if i had these kinda pencils. LOL :>D thanks for being sooooooo nice!

  11. Definitely cute! Thanks for sharing at the Friday Follow Along.

    1. and you're definitely nice! thank you so much Leah :)

  12. These are just too funny and cute!! Love 'em. Have a great week. Linda

    1. happy you like my silly pretzels Linda! thank YOU for your party! :)

  13. These are awesome! You are so creative! I just love these cute little pretzel people. I've not seen those pencil stackers before, how fun! This post is being featured @ Great Idea Thursday's! Thanks so much for linking up with me darlin! Krista @ A Handful of Everything

    1. WOOHOOOO!!!! thank you thank you thank you Krista! :>D

  14. I think these would make a really fun party activity for kids to pick and choose how to make their own! Love it!

    1. you always come up with the coolest ideas! it would be fun and there would probably be a lot of funny looking pretzels!LOL thanks again Michelle :>D

  15. What a totally clever idea!! The original pencil decorations are hilarious but your candy pretzel remakes are over the top fun and silly. Too cute!!

    Please link-up this crazy post at our rules free Blog Strut Link Party/blog hop, Thursdays at 5:00 PM PST. Our Blog Strut isn't your average blog hop, it offers many ways to promote and give exposure to your blog and posts. We pin all links, featured posts, as well as offer free co-host spots and button/logo redesign, plus free social network link ups. Join us and show what you’ve got!!

  16. These are so cute and cool! They look just like the pencil toppers you bought! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!

    1. it was a little tricky trying to figure out how to make the erasers but i think it came out pretty silly. thanks so much T'onna! :)

  17. I pinned this to my Artful Food, what an amazing job you did! Thanks for linking to Whimsy Wednesday!

    1. HOORAY! a pin! thank you soooo much Susan! happy you like 'em :)

  18. How very fun!! Thanks for sharing this at Show & Share last week!

    1. how very nice of you to say! thank you Jennifer and for your party too :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D