Tuesday, March 3, 2015

pots of gold chocolate mint oreos

ok so i'm not irish.
and i don't really celebrate st. patrick's day.
and i have no desire to drink green beer whatsoever.

but i do love sweets.
and i do love making stuff that justifies my eternal desire to buy anything holiday-ish related especially sweets. 
and i do love to put all those sweets together to make holiday treats that my family and friends think i am truly insane and keep asking me why i'm a nurse and not a party/event planner which makes me wonder many many times the same thing.

i think it's all the sugar in my brain.
oh well, let's just call it a day and make another treat.

today it's:
ooo! these things are really deeelish! :)
here's what'cha need:
ok so grab your paring knife and:

you may need to hold the rainbow in place for a minute to set.
i added my rainbows when the chocolate thickened a bit before it dried completely.
this way, the sourbelt sticks easier instead of sliding off.

you can always put them in the fridge to speed the drying process too. 
just stand them up IN the fridge on a plate or whatever instead of transporting them while they dry or they'll just topple over on you.
and then you're done!
i know, that last line was kinda lame but i think all the sugar is rotting my brain.
oh gosh can't wait to make another treat!...


  1. OK. So what do you do....just wake up one morning and say "I think I'll cut a piece off an Oreo and make a leprechaun's pot"??? How DO you do it?? The creative brilliance is astounding! (oh, that was a good word!) Wish I was having Scrabble this month! OH! I can make 'em and take 'em, my peeps won't care! Thanks, my BBFF!!! Dona

    1. the answer to your question is a resounding 'YES!" ...sometimes it's scary when that happens-as in scary for my growing hips and thighs-LOL guess the idea comes like your thesaurus words Dona, as i am sure you are an astounding Scrabble player, and even better yet with treats in hand ;)

  2. Gosh these are CUTE! As I read I thought about the sour rainbows I bought last summer for our family carnival. Thought I'd have almost everything "in stock" to whip these up. But then I remembered - yikes! - I ate the leftover ones ages ago! Oops!

    1. LOL! i hate when that happens! but it sure tasted good at the moment didn't it J? heehee :>D

  3. WHAT??? Cut an Oreo up to make a pot of gold ... brilliant!!! Thank you for reminding me that I've got a pack in my cupboard ;)

    1. yay! these treats actually reminded me of your treats, Brenda-sweet and simple :)

  4. Super cool party treats!! All the "sugar in your brain" is coming up with awesome ideas. And I'm sure that you, as a nurse make the world a much sweeter place. :)

    1. heehee i work with kids which is why i guess i can't get away from sugar stuff, them being the experts and all! guess my brain is just one big lump of sugar. LOL ;)

  5. PINNED> So happy you party with us! Linda @ Crafts a la Mode

    1. yippee!!!!! THANK YOU Linda! and i'm so happy i can be a part of your party! :>D

  6. You always create the cutest things, Lisa!

  7. These are just adorable and so colorful.

    1. jeepers thank you Julie! i'm a sucker for colorful things which is why i stared at these for awhile just for sheer enjoyment. lol :>)

  8. Replies
    1. and you, A Kinders Garten Vintage Homeschool, are SWEEEEET yourself for saying so! :)

  9. These are so cute! Thank you for linking up to Party Time and we hope to see you again next week!

    1. thanks again Cheryl! and as always thank you for your party! :)

  10. These are so cute! My kids would love to make & eat these!!

    1. thank you WorkingMomMagic! i hope your kids get to make them! the hardest part about it is not eating the oreos or candy themselves -lol ;)

  11. So cute and clever! I love the rainbow and the gold! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!!

    1. thank you T'onna! i think those sour belt candies are in every household that makes holiday treats during st. patty's day :)

  12. Hi Lisa.
    These are so cute. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above's Link Party.
    Have a great week.

    1. how sweet of you to say Linda! thank you and for your party too! :)

  13. Thanks for sharing at the Inspiration Spotlight party! Hope to see you again soon. Pinned & Shared...

  14. Just adorable Pots of Gold for St. Patrick's day, the kids will love them. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. thank you Kathy! kids and adults loved these as well :) i'll be sure to be back for your party! :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D