Thursday, April 24, 2014

sombrero hat garland

when i saw these eggs at walmart over easter, 
my heart skipped a beat.
it's what happens when inanimate objects catch my eye and it's love at first sight.
it's all the color as you may have guessed if you've been following me.
aren't they beautiful?

well i had them in a bowl and now that easter is over and cinco de mayo is coming up soon, i used them to make something.

so first i grabbed some cardboard and spray painted it.
and as the cardboard dried,
i snipped my eggs and kept the larger oval shaped top.
the eggs had 2 tiny holes on top.
next i grabbed some twine, taped one of the ends off and threaded it like so:

now that the cardboard has dried, i used the top of a curling ribbon spool as a template and cut out some circles.
then i took some dollar pom pom trim from the target store and hot glued it to the edge of each circle.
can you guess what i did next?
yup i hot glued those eggs to each circle.
and i got a row of hats.
sombrero hats!

all ready for cinco de mayo!
you like amiga?
i made some edible ones too last year that i think will give you a chuckle.

and you wanna know something?
we don't even really celebrate cinco de mayo here but i am all for making crafts on any given holiday.
ay yi yi yi!


  1. The jelly beans are back!!! The jelly beans are back!!!! If they have been back before now, I didn't notice. But I'm MEGA happy! You ARE jelly beans! Happy, colorful and sweet....oh! just like your sombreros! I remember the ones from last year. That's when I started following your blog. They stole my heart! You are the BBFF in the universe! Dona

    1. HAHAHA! what a week i've it's wonderful to come back and see comments like yours here that make me feel so much better like a jelly bean should! maybe i was a black jelly bean?! LOL i think i need to grab a sombrero and take a siesta for awhile! heehee anyway, no matter what, YOU always make me HAPPY Dona! always :)

  2. These are precious! I remember when one of my daughters took Spanish in high school and had to give a demo speech in the language. These would have been perfect for the food cart we made for her to serve burritos from! Actually, I have hosted Mexican brunches for the kids and I know others do too - the food is easy to make, and of course, everybody loves it - and the happy music that blares during the sipping of Margaritas! Ole! I love them!

    1. Ole! i love how you always think more of what's here-and these would be really cute to hang individually from a strand of chili pepper lights too! see what you gone and did J? you turned on the happy music :>D

  3. For some reason, I stopped getting your blog posts - so I had to find you again! And I'm so glad I did, because this garland is adorable!

    1. KIM!!! you're BACK! oh thank goodness cuz i've missed you! but i wonder what the heck is going on as sometimes you say your comments don't get through or are lost and now this?! i think someone in blogger world is taking a siesta-i need to wake them up so it won't happen again! lol i'm so happy you're here again :>D

  4. Hi Lisa - First time to my blog... this is hands down the CUTEST diy project - EVER. EVER I tell you! Hugs, Holly

    1. whadda what?!?! HOLY COW what a comment! oh you just made me the happiest diy blogger EVER! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH Holly!!! :>D

  5. So creative and cute!!! LOVE it!

    1. oh WOW! thank YOU Kristi! i love that you LOVE it! :>D

  6. You are too much, Lisa, and I love it!!! So darn cute!

    1. yeah my hubby says i am too much too especially when he sees how much i spend on candy melts and craft supplies! LOL it always makes me HAPPY when you like my stuff Sue! thank you :>D

  7. that is so stinkin' crafty and clever and thrifty! love it!

    1. oh my goodness! thank you thank you the cape on the corner! :)

  8. That is so fun that you found another way to use Easter eggs for Cinco de Mayo! These look so perfect, too, at first I thought they were maracas! They look way more like maracas than Easter eggs to me!

    1. that's actually a really good idea Michelle! but i'm not skilled enough to make the easter eggs into maracas! lol thanks so much for stopping by! :)

  9. So cute and lots of families where I live in San Antonio would love this idea! Thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!!

    1. hey that would be awesome to go to San Antonio and see these hanging around! hehe thank you so much for stopping by again Pam! :)

  10. You are so clever for using those Easter eggs! Those little sombreros are so cute!

    1. thank you T'onna! i just had to do something with those eggs-they were so colorful to just put away :)

  11. Love, love, love this idea! I was looking for fiesta ideas and I am so excited to see this. Great job, Lisa!

    1. yahoo! you make me feel muy bien mi amiga! muchos gracias! heehee seriously Carrie i'm so happy i could inspire you! thank you so much :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D