Friday, October 13, 2017

skeleton portrait cookies

because i have been neglectful with 
the lack of posts i've recently done, 
i got you with this easy peasy 
skeleton portrait cookie treat!
that's right, it's another halloween post and 
i do have to warn you, i've got a bunch more before the 31st comes that soon you'll be wishing i was gone again! lol

all it takes are these ingredients:
the skulls are from jo ann's, the bows and cookies from walmart, and then the red melted candy melt in a piping bag you put together from jo ann's, michael's, walmart, 
or any craft store.

you'll also need red sunflower seed candy. 
and candy eyes if you want...

but first let's look at these delicious beautiful cookies: 
who is that weird lookin' dude on the cookie though?
and what's in his basket anyway?

we can contemplate on that awhile or just halloweenize the cookie instead like this:
see it's quite easy like i said.
it's just a matter of candy gluing 
the supplies you gathered together.
and the sunflower seeds look like blood droplets.

gross concept i know but i'll still eat the cookie...

some halloween treats are really gross like those 
nasty ear wax marshmallow q-tips
or the cut up bloody fingers. 
but these creepy treats i can handle.

and they look like pictures in a cute scalloped frame at that :)

now to make them cuter and less creepy,
let's add bows to make 
some mr. and mrs. bones.
so here's the whole skull head family.

i dunno, i think they still need an extra something something...
(not to mention blurry)

so candy eyes to the rescue!

me too cuz they're much easier to grab and eat.
wonder if the weird dude carrying the basket 
would approve of these?!?!?!


  1. I thought that dude on the cookie was a girl. like little red riding hood with her basket of goodies for grandma. I'll be grandma would have a heart attack if these cookies were in the basket! Oh, and the eyes....the EYES!! They put these right over the top of greatest living portrait ever! Pinning again, BBFF!! Dona

    1. HAHAHA yeah i guess it is Little Red come to think of it...but she still looks like a dude. (dude looks like a lady?) poor grandma would have to look at her and get the skull cookies!? 😲😂

  2. Wow, you have such a creative mind and I LOVE the ones with the bows!

    1. geeze thank you Kim! that means a ton coming from you! 😁🤗

  3. Wow. So cool and so simple. I would love for you to stop by and link this up to my More the Merrier link party.

    1. hey i just linked up! thank you sooo much DIY Home Sweet Home! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D