Saturday, March 11, 2017

st. patty's day churro chex mix favors

are you a fan of churro's?
holy cow if you're not, 
you don't know what you're missing.
i mean cinnamon, butter, and brown sugar?
and then mix it with corn chex and add a clover and a rainbow cupcake liner?

do this and you'll get a st. patty's day treat of churro check mix favors for all your little leprechauns.
it all started when i ran into this recipe.
oh my my my. 
it wasn't calling my name, it was screaming it.

so i got some chex mix,
and i got some of my favorite paddy whack sprinkle mix from here.
(isn't it wonderful?)
and i got to work on the recipe,
using only one kind of chex mix cuz 
that's all i had but it worked!
it's just a matter of making caramel mix and 
then adding the last few ingredients:

oh my my my.
this stuff is magical.

since i thought it needed some extra packaging cuteness,
 i used these liners that i got from home goods:
i stuck the liner in a clear bag first 
then added the mix and well,
you can see the rest below:

are these better than a pot of gold?
well, considering i almost ate 
the entire mix myself, i think so...


  1. Aye, lassie, you'll be wearin' the green with this post! MEGA-YUM! Me own mither couldna dun better than me own BBFF! Dona

    1. LOL! me thinks i'm talkin' to a true leprechaun! thanks for the giggle me BBFF! 😂

  2. That looks so goooooood! Pinned.

    1. i dunno but this stuff really is magical! thanks so much Mother of 3! 😊

  3. This looks so good and thanks for sharing at C&C with J&J.

    1. thank you Julie's Creative Lifestyle! it really is addicting! 😁

  4. Love how you packaged it. So cute and festive. Anything with sprinkles rocks in my book.

    1. me too Melissa! sprinkles for the win! :>D thank you SOOO much!

  5. Yummy! Love the cute cupcake liners you packaged them in too! Thanks for sharing at My Busy Beehives #beeparty!

    1. you are so welcome Julie! you should make the mix-it's better than the liners! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D