is it really?
i mean, it looks more like a pink, pale yellow and turquoise shake to me.
but there are no pink, pale yellow and turquoise holidays so we will stick to
red, white and blue.
red, white and blue.
just in time for independence day!
this makes one serving but you can mix more ice cream to make more servings or use
smaller portions for smaller/more servings.
smaller portions for smaller/more servings.
the trick is to freeze each layer or you will run into all kinda problems. i know this cuz it took me 3 hours to make this shake...so when i messed up again and again, i tried again and again and yet again til i got it right.
i declare myself insane.
i declare myself insane.
impatience took over me and i just added the layers thinking i could trick old freezer and duh on me when the colors kept messing up. but if i did it right in the first place, it would take less than an hour to make it (includes freeze time).
so color the ice cream freeze it, layer it, and enjoy.
man i wish someone told me that before i made it.
i surely would've had more time for laundry!
on the other hand...
laundry can wait.
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