
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

baby face macarons

happy 2 days after heart day everyone!
hey every day's a celebration right?

speaking of celebrations, 
if you're familiar with these parts,
 you know i had a big baby shower for a friend recently.

and at that big baby shower,
i made an overload of custom treats.

and yes i know i just did a macaron post 
but i wanted to show you these.

cuz lemme show you that there were more 
babies than one "about to pop" at the shower:
these were made from the recipe i used when i made 
these, these, and these.

don't let macaron baking scare you.
it's kinda like making 
candy for the first time, 
you can read and read and research 
and research and research 
but honestly, you have to get a "feel" for the batter just like any other craft you do.

i have yet to get a feel for sewing, 
as my straight sew lines look like a winding road. :>P

anyway, i digress.
here's how i put these babies together:

well there ya go.
a nursery of macaron babies 
and not one of 'em are crying.
is that even possible?!?


  1. What a sweet way to decorate a macaron. I'm sure the mother to be was thrilled with all her special baby shower treats.

    1. oh gosh she and all the guests were freakin' out! it was one of the best freakin' out times for me! lol thanks Beth! :>D

  2. these are just gorgeous! My daughter-in-law is expecting so I'll have to make some for her next time she visits! Thanks for sharing on our #OverTheMoon link up ~ Leanne

    1. thank you SO much Leanne! i do hope you make some-they are really cute in person. and CONGRATS to you and your DIL on the upcoming arrival! :)

  3. You made the cutest macarons!
    TFS this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

  4. Hi Lisa - I just wanted you to know that these cuties will be one of our featured posts on next week's #OTM linky ~ Leanne :)

    1. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Leanne!!!! you made my night! :>D!!!

  5. HA! These are so cute!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. thanks Jess! they're the kind of babies everyone would like as triplets :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D