
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

thanksgiving 3D pics

it's funny how much we rely on the internet these days.
like when it goes down, a 
certain part of you goes down with it.
well, maybe not that drastic but our phone line died and being without wifi has caused some bit of anxiety, 
as dumb as that sounds.

good thing i am awful at social media,
cuz if i was your every day blogger who posted on google+, facebook, instagram, pinterest, twitter, periscope, stumble upon, 
etc etc etc etc etc,
i would probably be hospitalized from severe panic attacks.

ahh! seems like being a lazy blogger works for me!

anyway, while i do have some internet service, lemme do this quick tute on some turkey day pics for you, 
which i hope you get just from looking at the pics.

here's what you'll need:
the plate and silverware are actually fake plastic but look awfully real. i got them at party city for a party i had a while ago and these were some extras i didn't use.

i cut out the "give thanks" from my old cricut cutter that doesn't need internet service (imagine that!) so i'm sorry i can't send you the file for it. but any sticker will do too or just make one up if you have one of those fancy schmany silhouette or cricut machines.

i made another pic too with a burlap doily i picked up from target's dollar spot.
it's just hot gluing stuff to the canvas.
easy peasy.

i added a few cardboard stickers for another last detail and then hung them on my kitchen wall.
okey dokey.
time for me to fly like a turkey or whatev to see if i can get this wifi fixed while it's on turkey time :>P


  1. What a great idea! My great grands would have fun with this! I still can't understand, BBFF, how you keep coming up with all this stuff. YOU are amazing! Dona

    1. i can't understand myself either BBFF. i've been trying to figure it out for over 50 years! lol ;)

  2. I would be hospitalized right there with you, having no internet connection and I'm definitely not one to do all the social media I should, never find the time. Okay, really I'm still figuring it out. I am happy you had the down time to create these fun 3D pics, super cute!!

    1. thank you Kim! the only thing i don't like about blogging is the social media you have to keep up with so i just don't bother cuz i'd rather be crafting! Lol happy you like my pics! :)

  3. Oh wow...what a neat craft! I love it!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. thank you! i like the fact it's so easy to put together Jess! :)

  4. Love the burlap doily! Thanks for linking up with us at Create - Share - Inspire! Hope to see more of your lovely projects.

    1. i found that as a happy accident Tidbits Blog! i love when that happens :) thanks for stopping by!


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D