
Saturday, November 14, 2015

pilgrim pretzels

the following message contains elements that may not be suitable for some audiences. especially those that do not or cannot accept the fact that thanksgiving is right around the corner followed by christmas and new year's and...

that includes YOU, Myles Standish,
mr. famous of all pilgrims.

so let's see how Myles gets that crew together shall we?
wow he's messy with his supplies isn't he?
white collar?
where do we get a white collar?
i remember seeing those gummy candy corns 
you can get them here too.
or if not, i do believe you can use white airheads or cut some white m&m's in half.

oh look, i think the face comes next...

(oh you can use taffy, or a yellow tootsie roll or airhead instead too for the buckle.)
here's a synopsis:
ok i think Myles is happy now.
or not.
jeepers what a spaz.
hey i think they found their ship!
i don't think he can fit anymore pilgrims in there.
they better not stop for thanksgiving dinner, 
the ship might not be able to hold them all.
oh boy...better hide the pies too.


  1. I was just telling my daughter the other day, I need a nice Pilgrim to set in my fall decorations, and BAM! You come up with one!! Not exactly what I had in mind, but much more clever and tasty! Leave it to my BBFF to read my mind! Dona

    1. LOL! i'd love to see that fall decoration Dona! guess pilgrim pretzels aren't an every day decoration? ;) i wanted to make something different just for my BBFF! :>D

  2. Wow you made the cutest pilgrims! What fun you must of had making them.
    Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

    1. thank you Julie! it was funny to see them come together all different looking with their personalities! :)

  3. As always, this is so cute! You make the neatest things!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. and you say the sweetest things Jess! i so appreciate you coming to comment all the time!!! :>D

  4. Cutie, cute, cute! Sweet little pilgrim pretzels all ready to set sail! Happy week before Thanksgiving Lisa!

    1. yes they are all ready to sail... into someone's mouth poor things! lol a very happy week before Thanksgiving to you too Karen! :>D!

  5. Replies
    1. HAHA thank you L J Dogsmom! that came about by desperation when i didn't have anything else around that would work! LOL :)

  6. OMG, these are so great! Your tutorial is unbelievable. You are so clever.
    Thanks for sharing Wake Up Wednesday,

    1. OMG you are SOOO sweet Bev! thanks for making me do the happy dance! :>D

  7. These are absolutely adorable, what a fun and creative idea! Thank you so much for sharing at Create • Share • Inspire Link Party. We hope to see you back this week!

    1. they were fun to make Alicia! every single one of them look different so they seem to have their own personalities lol ;)

  8. These guys are cute! Another wonderfully crafty food creation! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!!

    1. thanks again T'onna! i think my kids think these are what Thanksgiving pretzels are supposed to look like especially since i play with my food so much! HA :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D