
Saturday, June 14, 2014

funny faced bagged cookies

father's day's TOMORROW 
and i well, have an easy peasy yummy deelish packaged cookie gift for you to make cuz father's day is TOMORROW like i said and time is a tickin' away.

but heck you are crazee busy with too much to do so how the heck are you gonna get something together for dear ole dad AND have the kids involved AND make a treat?

well, make these and hopefully everything's gonna be fine.

you can get the wallflour girl's recipe here.
and btw, her recipe is quite amusing if i do say so myself.

anyway, i'll let the pics do the talking...

allow the cookies to cool. 
and before i move on, just wanted you to know that these 2 things were the most important when making these treats:
now go find some kids to help and some candy eyes somewhere.
i love me some candy eyes...
just push the eyes into each cookie while still warm and they'll stick fairly well.
of course don't bag the same cookie 4 times.
hopefully you got that each cookie is bagged individually and now isn't that daddy cookiehead fun?

who knew being a dad would be so much fun?
ummm....maybe it's not so fun after all?...
hey now-what is this?
ask us? why us again?!?! 
do we not have enough to do?!?!?!

let's take it into perspective here shall we?
ok so do you dads need to say "ask your mother"?
huh? do you?
huh? nothing to say? nothing but these big fat delicious melt in our mouth puffball (or flat puffs) peanut butter chocolate mustache face cookies?!?!
works for me!
and hopefully for dad too.
but i dunno maybe you should ask your mother...


  1. Absolutely adorable - the placement of the eyes is perfect. I've not seen these bags and now I must go get me some! We're good for the economy aren't we? :)

    1. we ARE good for the economy Kim-but not according to my hubby and our home economy-lol oh well, i'll just keep making him treats to distract him ;)

  2. How cute! Crazy! Crafty! Cunning! Wait, what? Cunning? Sorry, don't think fits. That's cuz I started with C. Oh, well. I love them, girl! And guess what I'm doing today? Making cookies for ALL the fathers in my church! Yes! By myself at home! Impossible you say? Well, it could be, but we only have 6 dads in our church. You could call it a 'small' church. But still, if I want to give each dad a dozen cookies, at the very least, plus leftovers for me and my grandson....well, I think I need to get off this thing and get busy! Love you, my BBFF! Dona

    1. oh you were busy! busy! busy! well...guess i better hit my thesaurus to get more b words but i do know you are a blessing to me! making 72 cookies plus for all your church dads i am sure they will agree with me as well! we probably have 500+ dads at my church so if i did what you did, they would all be great grandfatghers by the time i was done! lol love ya back BBFF :)

  3. You find the cutest stuff and then make it even cuter! Love them, Lisa!

    1. awww, thank you Sue! i try not to find cute stuff but there is an invisible magnet that pulls me in each time. and that magnet my hubby is trying to hide to save my pocketbook! lol thanks SOOO much again! :>D

  4. Oh my you did it again! another super cute idea!!! :) Michelle

    1. jeepers THANK YOU Michelle! that's super duper sweet of you to say! :)

  5. OMG these are so cute!

    Thanks again for joining the Link Up this week!

  6. So fun for everyone in the family!! I'd love to make little girl ones for a birthday too. Thanks for the inspiration and posting at Awesome Things Tuesday!! Best, jen

    1. little girl ones would be really cute satsuma-although you may have to shave off the mustache?! lol thanks so much for stopping by! :)

  7. This looks amazing!! Found your recipe at Two Cup Tuesday.  I am one of the hostesses of Tickle My Tastebuds and would love you to stop by and link up this recipe if you have not yet already. Here is the link

    1. thank you Lori! this can actually be made with any cookie i assume so the possibilities are endless! all linked up too-thanks so much for the invite! :)

  8. These are so much fun!! Love how it is for guys, too!

    1. thank you Michelle! it's amazing what a mustache bag and eyeballs can do for a cookie isn't it? :)

  9. Not only do the cookies look very tasty but the way you packaged them is too cute - and easy too! You take the stuff that most of us just breeze past (without a clue in our heads!) and turn them into something very, very clever! This one's no exception! I'm going to look for those goofy little faced bags!

    1. HAHA! i actually had no idea what to do with the bags when i got them and thought they were kinda silly but dang the eyes just stepped it up a notch-funny how eyes make a huge difference J! and the cookies-ooooh my are they ever goooood!!! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D