
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

berry sweet strawberry jars

how's your summer going guys?
have you had a chance to eat a strawberry dessert yet?

y'know cuz strawberries=summer.
i was trying to make a strawberry dessert but all i could do was go for the classic strawberry shortcake.
i put it in a jar to look all cutesy cute and pinteresty then stuck a 4th of july sparkler on top but it looked like a hundred million other strawberry shortcake desserts out there.

not that there is anything wrong with that but if you know me, i always have to try something different.

so i bagged the pinteresty dessert idea and made these instead.
then grab your red spray paint and go to town.
you don't have to tape the jar or lid like i did, depending on what you plan on putting in it. i wanted to have the top of the jar and lid spray-paint-poison-free if i put strawberry dessert in it.

when the jars are dry, remove the tape.

it's lookin' like a tomato strawberry now huh?

but wait! we have to add the stem.

one more thing and then we are done.
ta da! all done.
now all ya gotta do is figure out what to put in them.
may i suggest you do not put everything together as i wrote on the pic above...i don't think that would be berry sweet. :>P


  1. Scrumptious! Sensational! Sweet! Summery! Straws! Which is what made you my BBFF in the first place! The strawberry shortcake sounds yummy, though. Heavy cream? Yes, please! Love this!!! thanks again! Dona

    1. oh you are getting quite good with that thesaurus Dona! not to mention giving me a warm fuzzy every time you visit! :>D i like what we have here-i'll keep making stuff in return for my BBFF's warm fuzzies :)

  2. Why how very berry sweet these little jars turned out - I love strawberries!

    1. why how berry sweet of you to say Kim! which may sound redundant with all the berry sweet sayings around here but heck you can never have too many strawberries right? ;)

  3. Hi Lisa - Love these berry sweet jars! They look just like strawberries! Hugs, Holly

    1. thank you Holly! i was gonna make more fruit jars but an orange and mango would just look like an orange and orange/green ball y'know? lol thanks SOOO much! hugs back :)

  4. You and your ideas are berry sweet! Love how you turned an ordinary jar into something so special! I can't wait until Hobby Lobby opens near me next month :)

    1. uh oh! you better save your pennies cuz if you're anything like me you'll be dropping them all over hobby lobby! :>O that store's seriously dangerous (in a good way) ;) thanks so much Brenda!

  5. So cute! Love it...and thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog hop!

    1. thank YOU Pam! the stem's the best part i think-it's different from other jars :)

  6. I can't get over how crafty you are each week! WOW! :)

    Thanks again for joining the Link Up this week!

  7. These are so cute and sweet! They'd be fun to pass out at a picnic. I think I'd put little red candies inside and use them as dessert!

    1. picnic candy jars are a fantastic idea J! leave it up to you to think of that :>D!

  8. looks like you agree with the picnic jar idea Kathy! thank YOU for coming by and of course for your party too :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D