
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

leprechaun vanilla fudge heads

oh goodness my clinic at work is just flippin' busy with sick kids!
colds. flu. runny noses. nausea. stomach ache. fever. 
sore throat. earaches. etcetc... 
you name it, they got it.
i need to make something to get away from it all already!

so since st. patty's day's comin' up as we all know, i couldn't let the holiday go by without making some leprechauns.

but i wanted something easy.
and fun.
or funny.
or both!
so i made these guys.
i got the recipe here.
5 minutes to make fudge? yes i can actually fold laundry tonite! 
wait a sec-what'd i just say? am i getting sick?

i got the hats from jo ann's. they're the same ones i used for my piggies.

and yes give that leprechaun some cold medicine already.
or hangover medicine from too much green beer.
oh these are just silly.
but really yummy too!
but uh oh!
i think we have a problem...i think someone's sick!
well, i know a bunch of people who want spring fever already.

so let's hope the only symptom you get is a stuffed nose piece of fudge!

wait a sec. what'd i just say?


  1. Oh, yum! Cute and yummy! You know, I must stop reading your blog before breakfast. It starts my day wanting sweets and goes downhill (or is it uphill?) from there!! These guys can be anything! Think bunny ears for Easter! Chicks! Uncle Sam! Goblins! Turkeys? Hmmmm. Santa!!! You might never have to think up another idea, just re-use this! Uh-oh. Please don't try that. I'm afraid you'll explode if all the creative ideas get backed up! Just keep doin' what you do, my BBFF!!! Dona

    1. oh you are SO funny Dona! and quite clever too-you do just what i want people to do, take my idea and run with it! :) and never having to think of another idea does sound tempting...and if i explode i certainly won't have to think anymore...but naw, i'll just keep trying to make more stuff so your days can start out on an uphill (downhill?I) path! :>)

  2. Oh how CUTE!!!! Love the one who's taking his medicine from your spoon! What a good boy! These would be fun for kids to make with an adult's help on the fudge part. My grandkids have so much fun decorating things when they have eyes, noses and paints in front of them - a real hit for next week!

    1. "what a good boy"-HA! that made me giggle. and the kids would have a fun time decorating these-you can use whatever flavor fudge you like and whatever shape you like too just like Dona suggested (see comment above). hey i love collaborations with you guys! :>D thanks again J!

  3. You are so creative and your posts always make me smile if not laugh! When I saw the photo of the spoon making the mouth, I thought you were trying to feed your leprechaun! LOL

    1. i was trying to feed him but all he wanted was more green beer! darn leprechauns never learn their lesson. HAHAHA :>D i really think it's lack of sleep that makes me so silly Kim but happy you appreciate my sense or "nonsense" of humor! :>D

  4. Oh, look at that....even your replies are funny! "Nonsense" of humor! You cracked me up!!!! Dona

  5. Lisa, I can count on you to make me smile! Love these and always am tickled pink (or green this weekend, right?) by your fun stories. Have a happy weekend and St. Patrick's Day!


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D