
Friday, March 14, 2014

cherry shaped cherry pies

hey looks like it's circle circumference day.
my son who is in 5th grade brought home some math homework asking to find the circumference of a few circles and when i told him you have to use pi to figure it out he just looked at me like i was crazy.

now why wouldn't anyone understand you need pie to figure out the area of a circle?
imagine that.

seems like he's never learned circumference yet and his teacher forgot to tell the class to skip that part on the math homework.
but i didn't know that til the next day after the fact i taught him or at least attempted to teach him about pi. 
no wonder he looked at me like i was crazy.

 needless to say, i don't think i did a very good job.
i would rather teach my kid to do this kinda pie any day instead!
you can get the kit here if you really want it. but honestly a round cookie cutter is all you need. i just got it at the time cuz i am weak for stuff on sticks and fancy baking pans and wanted to reward myself for wasting valuable blogging time trying to teach my son how to do circumference homework. (just kidding)
but since i had it, and it had NO directions in the stupid thing, i just kinda figured it out on my own...
you can make your own pie crust if you want but dag gone trader joe's is THE BEST ready made pie crust out there in my opinion and i figure why bother making my own when all i had to do was thaw it out. so that's what i did.
like i said there were no directions in the package when i opened it but i think if you stuff the pies really full the dough would make a lattice impression.
but for what i was making, i didn't want the lattice so i filled it up only part way.

if you use a circle cutter, i think making the mini pies would work if you cut 2 circles out, use a cookie stick, and press them together by hand after filling the middle up.
just remember to find the circumference of your circles before cutting them out.
(just kidding! :>P)
are you kinda seeing what i'm doing yet without getting the full picture?
it's actually easier to do then what you see in all the bajillion steps and pics i took.
one pie crust made 
3 cheery cherry shaped cherry pies.
say that 10 times fast.
with cherry pie in your mouth. heehee

oh but first let's add some color.
and for the leaves,

i baked mine at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
and got this:

hey george?! 
what the heck are you doing here?!?!
quick! someone hide that ax and tell george there is no need for that since cherries come in cans these days.
oh and tell him he's got too much blush on too. 
they look like cherries on his face.
hope these cheer(y) your day!



  1. Leave it to you. Take a simple idea and run with it! These are SO cute! And I can't wait for you to find another use for that pan.....and I'll bet it will have nothing to do with pies....pi's? Now, if I could remember that 3.14 is pi (which I can't...I know it's 3.something) then I'd always remember my niece's birthday. Thanks be to you, my BBFF, for this help in real life! Dona

    1. HAHA! i woulda never thunk i'd give anyone a help in life when i made these pies/pi's! you should make one for your niece then the date would stick to you like a good piece of pie sticks to a belly! heehee at least that's what george tells me and he never tells (told) a lie! :>D

  2. I love your little cherry pies and how you made them to look like cherries is SWEET!

    1. thank you Kim! just trying to follow in your footsteps and making life sweeter :)

  3. Those are cute, and I'll bet tasty!

    1. aww man they were sooooo delicious! especially right out of the oven-it's that dangerous trader joe's pie crust lol! thank you so much Stephanie :)

  4. I knew it had to be you when I clicked on the party linky. Such a cute idea and would be fun for a cute party dessert.

    1. you knew it was me Erlene? hope that's a good thing! lol thank you so so much and i think having one for a cherry party would be really cute idea too :)

  5. Oh goodness! What a neat idea!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

    1. oh goodness how sweet of you to say! thank you Jess :)

  6. These are seriously so cute! And they look delicious! Thanks for sharing at Plucky's Second Thought. Im this week's co-host and wanted to introduce myself and let you know I've pinned this great idea!

    1. thank you SOOO much For My Love Of! they were certainly delicious mainly because i didn't actually make it from scratch but only put it together! heehee

  7. These are so cute! This would be so fun to make for a summer party! I would love to invite you to share your recipe at my linky party, Meal Planning Monday Recipe Link-Up. Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)

    1. hey what a great idea April! and i'm all linked up too-thanks so much for the invite! :)

  8. These are positively adorable! Almost too cute to eat. Almost.
    Thanks for linking up with the MaMade Blog Hop.

    1. and YOU are positively nice for saying so! they were yummy and fun to eat too! :>D thanks again Pajama Mama :)

  9. These are so adorable! Plus, I'm sure they are totally delicious!

    1. can't go wrong with trader joe's and eating a cherry pie shaped like a cherry is kinda cool too. heehee thanks again Michelle! :)

  10. Just the mention of "pi" reminded me of sitting in math class and wondering what I would ever do with this info they were trying to cram into my head! I'm a grandma now and still waiting for the answer....but! I know a cute PIE when I see one and this is it!

    1. LOL! the only thing i find useful with knowing about pi is just using it on this post! HA so happy you like my cutie pies :>D

  11. what a "sweet" idea. Love it! Thank you for linking and sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ♥

  12. again you have amazing me. Those are adorable and the presentation is amazing! :) Thanks for sharing on the Wake Up Wednesday Linky!!

    1. gee willikers you are just so sweet Becka! thank you! :>D

  13. How cute are these! So perfect for pi day last week, eh?
    “hugs” Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique
    Happy Spring!!

    1. thank you Crystelle! i really didn't want to make the usual pies for pi day- guess i did ok eh? hugs back and happy spring to you too! :)

  14. Way cute!! Picked this as from fav from last week, thanks for sharing at Show & Share!!

    1. a fav? why i think your comment is also a fave of mine! thank you Jennifer! :>D

  15. They look absolutely delicious and so much fun to make! I just wanted to let you know that I am linking to this post on 3/28 if you don't mind.

    1. mind? of course not! link all my stuff Alyssa! the people who see it the merrier! thank you! :)

  16. you are so welcome April! thanks for having me even thought this isn't exactly a recipe-lol ;)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D