
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

rice krispie mini carved pumpkin treats

ok so my halloween party is next weekend and as usual, 
i wanna make sooo many treats but have 
sooo little time to do them all. 

it's not that i am having a big party,
it's just that there are too many things 
popping in my head to make this and that that i gotta narrow it down some or i will have to put business cards in my guests treat bags for the best dentists in town. lol

anyway, with time not on my side, i was at walmart and found something that i could whip up fast to get these
rice krispie mini carved pumpkin treats:
sure i could make rice krispie treats on my own without the kit but buying a big box of cereal only to have it sit around since my family only eats rice krispies when they are in treat form and not in a cereal bowl makes this kit all worth it.
everything except 2 tbsp. of butter is included in the box as shown below, including a pumpkin mold.
problem with the mold though, is that it was way too big for my liking so i put it away for another time.

the kit says it makes a total of 6 pumpkins but i knew i could get at least a dozen or so treats with what i planned on doing. so again it was the total amount i could make without making too much is what sold me here.
the directions are right on the box with melting the butter first then adding the marshmallows and spices.
wait! what spices?!?
actually it's some sort of orange powder that screams 

it was a bit strange to me when i thought it would be food coloring in a liquid or gel form, and not something that reminded me of chicken wing sauce...
so anyway, once it's all mixed, i plopped the strange spicy blob on a large piece of parchment paper and made a buncha little strange spicy blobs out of it.
and guess what? 
you don't even need gloves to roll the blobs cuz the orange coloring does not bleed at all! and the blob was super easy to form with no cooking spray or butter on your hands or stickiness either!
so i actually LOVE this cayenne pepper hot pepper chicken wing sauce orange food powder!

anyway, gather the details for your little spicy blobs:
and some broken pretzel pieces.
i only had rods left in my cupboard so i just used those.
push your broken pretzel stems in the pumpkins while still warm and also the chocolate chips for the eyes and nose.
next, i buttered the end of a fork and "carved" out the little mouths by pushing into the pumpkins as shown:

you can leave them as is without their dentures or 
push in the little teeth like so:
or if you don't choose no teeth, broken teeth, or toothless mouths,
just use the chocolate chips.
lastly add the leaves with the green icing or details with the black icing (i didn't use any black icing in the end).

but any way you make them, make them all different so their little spicy personalities show off.

so there you go, 
mini pumpkins that are as sweet 
(and not at all spicy) as can be!


  1. Hello, Lisa!! Your sweet and "spicy" pumpkin patch is adorable and I'm so happy to see you're back! :)

    1. hi Karen! awww that break was good for the soul and as you know we can never stop making sweets (spicy or not) Lol ;>D

  2. YUM! Gotta see if I can find that kit! Well, actually, I have a box of rice krispies in my pantry......from last Christmas. Yes, a kit would be a good idea! No, I won't be using those old Krispies. They'll go out for the birds. Dona

    1. BAHAHAHA be careful if you give those little birds the krispies...they may turn into some kinda halloween ravens? but hey what a decoration you'll have Dona! LOL

  3. How cute and I'll bet the kids love them! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJs!

    1. thank you Ann! the kids have to wait til next weekend to get them-i have a feeling you're right though! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D