
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

ghost family frosted brownies

i'm on a roll lately with halloween treats 
that are easy, quick and spooky.
it didn't really start out that way,
but since i have so much holiday stuff in my head, 
i have to narrow it down and today's treats are no exception. 

so whaddya say?
let's make some ghost family frosted brownies ok?
i was in the grocery store and i wandered toward the bakery section to check out their goods like i do all the time and spotted these babies:
so i put them in my grocery cart and then found these:
and because i cannot leave things alone, 
i realized food marker works great on candy corn!

so now that i have brownies and ghosts carrying screaming candy corn, 
let's just put them together...
i cut the brownies in half cuz they were pretty big and these are for my halloween party so smaller treats get eaten a lot faster when they are part of a dessert smorgasbord rather than having regular or large size desserts. 

but WAIT!
what do i see here?
do you see it??? 
oh my goodness i gotta get my black sprinkles out (from walmart)!
and lay them carefully like so...

it's a mini ghost family!!!

and look they are having a reunion!!!
the bumps on the frosting make perfect looking ghosts and if you don't have this treat at your grocery store, you can always frost your brownies like you saw above to make these.
so what started out as ghost carrying screaming candy corn on a frosted brownie,came out to be 2 different types of halloween brownies :)
here's to ghostly goodies for all ghouls and goblins!


  1. Said it before, will say it again. You are amazing! I didn't 'see' the ghosts after you cut the brownies until you said it. You are the one with the spooky brain! Dona

    1. spooky brains come from being born on halloween i guess?! lol makes sense though...thanks Dona! :>D

  2. Very clever! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJs!


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D