
Monday, May 16, 2016

diy birthday cake candle centerpiece

if you frequent this blog,
you may have noticed i took a week off.

well actually i took a week off from blogging 
but my crafty hands haven't stopped.

last week i put together a 60th birthday party 
for my friend's mom's friend.

so today i'm gonna show you 
one of the things i made for it.
those are birthday cake candle centerpieces.
lemme show you how to make one 
even if they look like wedding cakes 
but hey, the hostess wanted 
a diamond theme so i went for it. :>P

keep in mind you can always make it 
look more like a birthday cake if you 
choose a colorful ribbon,
but anyway, here goes.

most of the supplies you can get from dollar tree 
which makes it fantastic since centerpieces 
for parties always call for a bunch
and not to mention can cost a bunch.
at first i was gonna make my usual tute 
for these but dang there are so many pics 
i decided to combine them together:
1. glue the candle plate to the candle stick with E-6000.
2. outline your white styrofoam on white cardstock making a circle and cut out.
3. glue the circle to the top of a 3 layer stack of white styrofoam.
4. outline your green styrofoam on white cardstock making a circle and cut out.
5. glue the circle to the top of 1 green styrofoam circle.
6. cut ribbon strips for each layer.
7. hot glue your strip around the layers.
8. glue the green stack on top of the white stack as shown.
9. glue your candle stick to the top.
10. grab some sparkly ribbon or yarn.
11. glue to edge of candle plate.
12. embellish with flowers and a sign if you want to get the final centerpiece,
which costs about $6 each.
right before the party, 
turn your candlestick so the light 
comes on and wait for the oohs and aahs :)

wanna see the rest of the party?
and here's a a closeup of the treats i made too:
so do you think i took a week off?
yeah me neither,
shine on :)


  1. I knew you couldn't take a week off! What great centerpieces, what girl wouldn't want a sparkly party? You totally shine!

    1. awww jeepers thank you Kim! some people asked if it was an engagement party :>O but the guest of honor loved it and that's all that mattered :)

  2. These are fab!! And, again, can be adapted for so many types of parties!! BBFF, you are a wonder!!! Question, though...up there, you said 'white styrofoam' twice....guessing you meant green on the second one. But is that actually 3 layers of green?? It looks thicker than the white ones. Dona

    1. oh gosh that's what happens when you copy and paste your own cuz you're too lazy/busy to type it out! i was thinking "repeat" for the top layer lol good thing i have my BBFF to watch out for me! thanks so much Dona it's all fixed now :>D!

  3. What a "bright" idea Lisa!! Looks like your week off was very productive! What a beautiful and yummy party you put together. :o)

    1. awww you are a bright light in my life too Karen! thank you! :)

  4. Looks Amazing decoration
    fabulous birthday party ideas
    Centerpiece are beautiful
    Cake is perfect for birthday
    Pictures are cute

    1. thank you Christy
      i like your comment
      so many compliments
      you're very sweet!

  5. Hi Lisa, What a fun idea for a centerpiece! Hope you have a happy Memorial Weekend! Thanks for sharing at the Inspiration Spotlight party. Shared.

    1. thank you SO much Theresa! i'm hoping someone asks me to do a colorful bday party for them so i can make confetti cake centerpieces! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D