
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

diy donut chair

hey you, how's your summer going?

holy cow my summer's flyin' by!
we've been traveling everywhere by car 
from canada all the way to the carribean by boat.

lucky for me with the very few days 
i had at home between vacations, 
i was able to clean out some stuff out of my kids' rooms.

so i headed to good will to make 
a pretty big donation with old toys, clothes, and such, 
when my eye caught something that had me turn around after i left the donation spot for a closer look in the store.

it was love at first site and i knew 
immediately what i was gonna do with it.
yes it was a little dingy and i didn't even care 
if it worked or not, 
but still i just had to have it.
and look it still had the ikea label on the bottom of it and 
to my surprise the seat worked 
like a charm going up an down! 

i took it to my craft room and got busy...

i do! i do!
but i do love krispy kreme kind!
have any of those?
ahh! there it is thanks to dimensional mod podge :)

one more step to do.

ok so now that my chair is done, 
i gotta go get me a donut!

but it sure was worth cleaning out my stuff so i can donate stuff and get more stuff?!?!?


  1. You are so cute - a donut chair? Who would have thought of that - YOU! LOOOOOVE!

    1. heehee thank you Kim!!! i think you should get a chair and paint it like a sugar cookie! knowing how you decorate them with royal icing, i know it'll be gorgeous! :>D

  2. BBFF!!!!! I'm back!!! Was I missed??? Did I miss a lot?? I'll have to check. But I'm sure happy to be back in time to see this brilliant idea!!! Only you would look at that chair and see donuts! It's perfect!!! Your awesomeness astounds me!!! Dona

    1. YIPPEE!!! YOU'RE BACK! i do miss my BBFF and her lovely comments! this chair reminds me of you Dona ever since you told me you used to be called donut as a kid! ;)

  3. Oh my goodness! Who but a very clever fun food blogger would see the obvious in a chair like that?!!! Very cute-ly done!

    1. is it a blessing or a curse J? LOL seems i can't look at things in a "normal" way anymore-so i'll take it as a blessing! ;) thank you SO much!

  4. Hole-y donut Lisa..this is awesome! I love the way you think! Glad you've had such a fun summer sure does make life sweeter! :)

    1. thank you Karen! actually sitting my butt down on this donut chair is what i need after all the time we've been away! lol ;)

  5. You are so creative! This is cute...thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog hop!

  6. Your chair looks so cute made up with the holes as donuts. Thanks for sharing this at our Cooking and Crafting with J & J this week!

    1. thank you Julie! i almost made them donut eyeglasses but there were too many holes to make it look right for my liking! lol :)

  7. Your Donut Chair came out really well, great tutorial. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. thank you Kathy! i almost wasn't going to do a post on it but i figured how many donut chairs are out there in blog world? lol ;)

  8. Haha! This is SUPER cute! :)

    Thanks for joining the Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  9. Replies
    1. oh thank you so much Steph! only problem with it is i want a donut every time i sit in it! LOL :>O

  10. This is so cute. Makes me want my own donut chair. Thanks for sharing at my Grandma Ideas Sharing Time link party. (That was two weeks ago . . . I'm slow, I know!)

    1. better late than never and i certainly appreciate whatever time you give Nina! thank you ever so much! hope you get a donut soon heehee ;)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D