
Friday, March 13, 2015

spring tree cake pops

oh my poor peeps who are freezing to death!
especially in march when SPRING is supposed to be here in only one more week from now!

i made you something to hopefully cheer up those winter blues you may be having.
you like?
they're actually just regular ole cake pops but it's the straw that's the star here.

let's see how they grew from a tiny seed idea to an actual tree.
hopefully you made cake pops before, 
as this is the hurry-up-short-cut version of cake pop making.
there are a billion and one videos out there on cake pop making though, just google it.

those mini cupcakes are from walmart. you can use the entire cupcake, frosting and all, if you want moister cake pops or if you don't, just scrape off a part of it before smashing it.

just remember the moister the pop, the more chill time you'll need to firm them up before dipping.
i scraped off about a teaspoon or so off the top before i made mine and froze them for about 10 minutes to firm up.

so while they are chillin', get this:
set those flowers aside and grab the stars of the show:
as you can see, i got my straws at tj maxx for 
only $4.99 for 50 of them.
too bad tj maxx is a place where you gotta get the goods or they'll disappear on you the next time you visit.
i was however, able to locate these straws for you 
here, here, and here,
sorry they're not as cheap as mine though!

ok let's move on.
i cut them a little shorter than the stick itself so the tree could fit in the cake pop stand. 
ok set the winter trees aside for a sec to allow the trees to bloom.
not sure how?
the next step will show you.
once the cake pops are dry, use some more candy melt to attach the straw to the tree.
the spring tree has now blossomed.

but wait!
what have we here?
you have now just created a spring tree forest :)
uh oh!
what's that i see on the weather forecast?

the temp is dropping?!?!?!
is that snow?!?!

no no no, only warm sunny skies for you!
ok that's more like it.

it's march after all and i see some bunnies ahead...


  1. And these are DARLING! Love the straws! I think you are the first one out there enhancing them like this. I have some that are painted like white birch and I would grab these in a second too if I found them. Cute project, not only to celebrate spring, but for Earth Day too!

    1. thank you J! i have those white birch straws too! goodness i think i have every straw out there-the store people probably think i don't know how to take a drink without one-only thing is, i hardly ever use straws to drink out of-LOL with all the straws i have i'm thinking how to enhance the other ones too! ;)

  2. Oh my goodness..these cute little tree pops! The tiny little birdies just make these extra "tweet"! Love your idea for the tree bark Lisa..too adorable. :-)

    1. yippee so happy you like them Karen! and your extra tweet comment made me giggle :) as soon as i saw those straws i thought oh goodness these just have to be turned into trees! am i weird or what? :>O

  3. How sweet are these little trees? blooming adorable!!

  4. Oh my goodness these are the cutest cake pops ever!

    1. wowza! doin' the happy dance thanks to you Steph! :>D

  5. I tried cake pops one time and it was a disaster! Haha but this is so cute I might attempt it again! I love that you just used store bought cupcakes! You are my kind of girl!

    1. a disaster? oh no! cake pops are supposed to make you jolly and happy! ;) make sure your candy melt is a thick soup consistency-add oil if you need to or use almond bark and color it like i do-you're sure to be have a jolly and happy adventure then! :>D thanks SO much for stopping by!

  6. These cake pops are so stinkin cute! Your post caught my eye in the link up and I had to immediately click over and see these adorable bites! Thanks for sharing this! :)

    Join us for the weekly #CelebrateSouthern link up! You don't have to be a southerner to join in on the fun!

    1. oh my gosh thank you J! i often wonder if someone clicks my link and now i know! yay! i'll be sure to come over for your party too-double yay! :)

  7. Yay very cute I love spring, trees and cake pops!

    1. yay! i love people like you, comments like this and cake pops! lol :) thank you Valerie!

  8. Aww! These are SO cute! Love them!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  9. What can I say that hasn't already been said? So cute! And those straws!!! Thanks for all the info on them!!! You are the best, BBFF!!! Dona

    1. aww gee Dona, you don't have to say anything my BBFF, to make me smile! :>D

  10. Stopping by from Katherine's Corner Blog Hop to say "hi" and let you know these are absolutely adorable! Can't wait to enlist the kiddos and make them for our next baking project. Have a great week!

    1. yay! i LOVE when my stuff inspires kids to make stuff! thanks so much for coming by Penny! have fun planting a spring tree forest! :)

  11. visiting from wildly original linky...very cute idea! Wish I had kids around again so could have a reason to bake!

    1. i gave these to my friends and they loved them and the're waaay pass the kid age-lol thanks so much for your sweetness Cheri! :)

  12. These are really cute! Thanks for linking up to Idea Box!

  13. Wow! These looks so fun! Pinning for later. Great Spring projects.
    Poppin' over from the Idea Box Link Party.

    1. wow! thank you for your comment Alexandra! and for the pin! double wow! :>D

  14. How cute! At first I was worrying about getting splinters, but then I saw it was made with straws and not real wood, lol. I’m so glad you linked it with us at Thursday Favorite Things!

    1. splinters?! LOL! never thought of that Jas! thanks for coming by and giving me a giggle :)

  15. Popping over from Reasons To Skip The Housework. I love these they are super cute thanks for sharing :)

    1. yay! thank you Sharon! and i always appreciate it when folks tell me how they found me :)

  16. These look amazing! Thank you for linking up to Party Time and we hope to see you again next week!

    1. jeepers your comment is amazing Jacqui! thank you! :)

  17. What a nifty idea! Thanks for sharing at Totally terrific Tuesday! #tttparty

  18. Ownnn! So cute! Love the idea! from Idea Box link party :)

    1. HAHA i like that "ownnn" comment Izabela! i'm gonna have to use that one too! LOL thank you SOOO much! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D