
Friday, December 19, 2014

santa and elf party favor holders

hello holiday heads!
did you get a chance to see my last post about the 
cuz i used them to fill up these guys:
they match the little guys and are a breeze to make.
i made the santa for my son and the elf for my daughter.

they're quite easy really.
the paper mache cones and cupcakes come from jo ann's and the other stuff aside from the modge podge comes from the dollar tree.

glue a little white pom pom to top of the red santa hat.
if you check out my last post you can see how i made the trim.

now smile!
just checking to make sure you're still with us.
that's actually a painted wooden bead i glued on for the nose.
so now let's fill'em up.

not quite done yet-i added some stickers that i got from michael's for more detail.
now only one last thing to do.


  1. What a great idea...again! And if you turn those over, they could be an ice cream cone! I'd better stock up, because I KNOW you are going to come up with an equally brilliant idea to use the bottom of those "cupcakes"!!! That's why you are my BBFF! You NEVER run out of ideas!!! Dona

    1. hey you know me too well Dona! i originally bought them to make ice cream cones but summer flew by so now they're santa and an elf-lol and as far as never running out of ideas i think you're right-oh goodness i'm doomed! :>O

  2. You crack me up - these are just too cute!

    1. i'm assuming you are talking about that wooden eyeball pic aka noses that cracks you up? i dunno KIm sometimes i wonder where my brain goes...LOL :>D

  3. Replies
    1. thank you Meghan! i love that they're a matchy matchy treat! heehee :)

  4. Thank you for posting to Motivation Monday!


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D