
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

witch's brew ingredient mason jar pumpkins

ahh. mason jars.
chances are if you are reading this, 
you love mason jars as much as i do.
i have about a million of them lying around.

so i wanted to do some sorta mason jar halloween thing and nothing original came to mind seeing there are about a gajillion halloween jars in blogland already.

so i compromised and made these pumpkins instead.
yup i carved the mason jars instead.
and each pumpkin only took me about 15 minutes. 
easy peasy.

sorry no pattern for the jar-i just drew it freehand. but it's better i think, to have the jars look different anyway.
i got the eyeball candy at dollar tree too but one bag was not enough to fill the pumpkin. 
so i used the kisses i already had to fill it up.

i colored the lid as shown to give it more interest. and to look more halloweenish cuz i don't think witches have nice clean mason jars with nice clean lids lying around.
then i made 2 more. 

any kind of candy will work for these pumpkins, this is just what i had on hand at 10:45pm when i started these (yikes!). 
just let loose and be creative and before you know it you'll have a whole slew of ingredients to make your witch's brew.
okie dokie, good luck with that!


  1. Wow! Really cute! I love Mason jars too. Those giant eyeballs peeking out of that pumpkin are great! Very spooky!

    1. that's my favorite one too J! i wish i had better candy at the time i made these for the post like candy tongues and gummy frogs but thta's what happens when you craft after the stores close at night! lol :>O

  2. love those! very creative :) and I love mason jars as well!

    1. thank you Jen! hey i've missed you and happy you're back! you can put any kind of candy in the pumpkin too just to have a different kind of candy dish :)

  3. These are so cute, what a fun idea!

    1. i'm so happy you like them Michelle! thanks so much :)

  4. What a great way to incorporate mason jars! Love it!!

    1. thank you Michelle! (for a second there i thought you commented twice since there are 2 Michelles in a row-lol) not sure why we all love the mason jars but if i can incorporate them into something then i will! HA :)

  5. This is such a neat idea! I love it!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

    1. yay! thank you Jess! i think the pics are too bright but the real things are quite interesting. hehe :)

  6. Lisa,
    This is such a cute idea. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above's Link Party. We hope to see you at tonight's party.


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D