
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

halloween trick or treater cookies (face and masks)

boy if that's not the question of the month,
i don't know what is.
when i go into stores like party city or spirit for example and see all the multitude of costume choices,
i always walk out of there empty handed. 

why do all the costumes look alike year after year? 
i want some unique and different choices already.

and whassup with the long legged gals whose bodies are coming outta their costume tops or the grotsque masks with the talking jaws and bloody teeth?
eeew to both.

let's make cookies instead. 
i used sally's recipe which made a great dough but the taste wasn't sweet enough for me. no worries as i fixed the taste as you will see towards the end of the post.

for now, i got the skull cookie cutter at jo ann's and colored only half my dough in small batches. 

then i rolled it out between 2 pieces of parchment paper, made sure the dough was big enough for my cutter (as you can see in the middle left pic) and then got to work.
cut your mask parts using the holes left from the cutters. that way you know for sure they will match the main face. i just free hand cut it with a small paring knife.
bake as directed.
as you can see, use the bottom hole for the eyes 
and the tip for the tiny holes on each side of the mask.
careful-don't move the eyes!
it's a little girl with pig tails and a jay leno chin. 
hyuck hyuck.

and here's that purple swamp monster boy again.
hey who's your mummy?
let's get another kinda candy eye shall we?

we gotta get the teens dressed up too y'know. 
i think they like the candy better anyway as they are usually the ones to empty the bowls when someone has a
"help yourself" sign by the bowl cuz they aren't home on trick or treat night.
i'd rather them take all the candy than have 
my house toilet papered though...

oh we better get something to help the masks stay on!

i tied the twine so it can easily be moved to get the face underneathe.

so here's what the kids look like for most of the year.
then on halloween night...

heck yeah!
that's the beauty of these mask cookies-one size fits all.
oh well, we tried.
and i'm not sure the teen girl likes to bat her lashes in a swamp monster mask anyway...
and about the sweetness?
i just added more sugar...
so now these are already to be served at your next halloween party for all your sweet little ghouls and goblins.

only thing left to ask is, 
a long legged alice in wonderland chic with a mini mini skirt and a mad hatter mask with bloody teeth?

now that's what i'd call scary!


  1. This is such a clever idea! Pinning =)

    Beth @ HungryHappenings

    1. rooty toot toot! when THE queen of all cool food pins my stuff, that just makes my day! thank you thank you Beth!!! :>D

  2. I am giddy over these cookies! You are SOOOOO clever! Time to pin!

    1. another pin from THE cute cookie queen too?! alleluia! i'm giddy you like them so much Sue! thank YOU!!! :>D

  3. Oh my goodness!!! You are a genius! They are adorable!!!!

    1. oh my goodness what a compliment!!! you are a sweetie Leslie! :)

  4. HOW ADORABLE! These are so unique, love them! Found your post through the WW Link-Up!

    1. oh thank you Ronda! i like to find unique so i try to make unique stuff-glad this one worked out-whew! ;)

  5. Awesome idea! Pretty sure my kid would love this!

    1. thank you Britni! it's another reason to play with your food which is something i encourage quite often! LOL :)

  6. What a clever AND delicious idea! I have a few kiddos who are going to be all about trying this before the month is over. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. thank you Stefanie! oh you and the kids are gonna have fun! you can even decorate the cookies to make it look like them hehe! :>D

  7. These look like so much fun! #SerenitySaturday

    1. thank you Echo A! your comment calls for an echo too! they are lotsa FUN...FUN...heehee
      i'm so happy you like them! :>D

  8. Hehe...I totally love this idea for kids! So fun!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

    1. thank you Jess! it's fun to serve them with their masks and watch the kids see the "real" kid underneath. hehe :>D

  9. Cute and clever as usual!

    1. awww thank you T'onna! i'll keep trying to be cute and clever :>O!

  10. CUTE CUTE CUTE! I am with you...I am so sick of seeing the same costumes year after year! Thank you for sharing with us at Party in Your PJs.

    1. SWEET! SWEET! SWEET! that's what you are Cookie Puzzle! thank you! :)

  11. Thanks for linking up this week to Totally Terrific Tuesday Link Party!! Remember party starts again monday at 10pm to see who was picked for features and link up new content!
    If you follow me on Google+ I send out a reminder, and I try to follow everyone back that adds me :)
    There were so many inspiring links this week!! Especially this fun and creative way to play with your food while you make it!! I hope you found a few that inspired you as well!
    Thanks again

    1. playing with my food is one of my favorite past times JB Arts! lol i'll be back with more play food at your next linky! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D