
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

mini pumpkin cakes with cream cheese filling

well i'm officially in pumpkin blogland.
it's 99 degrees out, it thunderstorms every afternoon, 
and all the leaves are bright green.

but it's orange and yellow and brown in pumpkin blogland.
so i might as well join 'em while i can so i can at least get the fall season around these florida parts even if summer goes year round.

so let's get on with the pumpkins.
i used this recipe and the cakes were really moist and yummo!
the recipe is super easy with only one step, 
but i colored mine just for fun. 
 the colors are very subtle and not done in an ombre fashion when i poured the mix in the pan.
i just thought the different colors would be pretty... 
ok so truth be told, i never meant for these cakes to be so darn FLUFFY! 
and was quite surprised when i took them outta the oven. 

orginally i was gonna level the bottoms off to make them flat but that's when i came up with the idea to use the fat bottoms.

you'll see why in a sec.

first, let's fill them up with more yumminess right after the cakes are all cooled.
carefully remove that little stem part. 
the different color of the stem made it stand out, 
something else that was a happy accident.
then get some green sprinkles and 
sprinkle them on the bottom edge part.
and you will get:
wanna see the inside?
ok never mind. 
let's just get them in line now.

jeepers, no wonder Charlie Brown had trouble finding the real Great Pumpkin...
either way, i hope you make these cuz truth be told, 
they do taste pretty great.


  1. Hello my BBFF! I'm back! Been to CO again! I know what you mean about fall not coming where you live! AZ is the same. But my house is another story! Brown, orange, red, yellow and some green as far as the eye can see! LOVE fall. And LOVE the look of these cakes! This pan I actually have so will definitely try them! Good going! Dona

    1. hey! i sure have missed you Dona! it's not the same without my BBFF here. i'm a fall fan too and wish the palm trees here would turn yellow and orange already. lol i bet your house looks wonderful! :)

  2. These are so stinking cute! I'm pinning them!

    1. yippee! thanks for being so stinking sweet Leslie! :>D

  3. LOL I always laugh out loud at your annual comment about how Halloween comes so early in blogland. I was looking at a link party 2 weeks ago - TWO WEEKS AGO! (still summer, ya know?) and there was a patch of lil pumpkins peeking up at me. I thought, "Holy Cow! I am REALLY far behind!"
    But these are so cute and just look so darn spunky and happy - kinda like their mama who created them!

    1. HAHA! i bet those summer pumpkin people already have their new year's eve stuff ready to go! lol i like being "far behind" in the blog world. if i wasn't, by the time the actual holiday came i'd be pumpkin cross-eyed! oh and i'd put you in the happy and spunky category too J! :>D thanks again!!!

  4. It's been 100 here on the opposite side of the country as well but I am also ready for pumokin things! These look yummy and they are so cute!

    1. thank you SO much Angelina! wonder if there's such a thing as a hot summer pumpkin cake?! LOL :>O

  5. Oh Wow! These look so awesome! I These would be perfect for a Halloween school party! Thank you for linking up to Party Time and we hope to see you again next week!

    1. thank you thank you Jacqui! for a school party the faces can be made all different to fit each kid! heehee :) :>D ;)

  6. Hi Lisa - I am so behind the pumpkin 8 ball. These are way cute. Cute enough to eat and I will try and not feel guilty! Hugs, Holly

    1. HA! i think many of us are behind that 8 ball-in more ways than one. at least we're in good company! :) these little pumpkins will do the trick to make us feel better though! thanks again Holly! :)

  7. These look cute AND delicious! How fun!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

    1. they were deelish Jess. there are only 7 cakes at the bottom pic cuz i ate one while i was decorating them-LOL :)

  8. I just love this idea of cream cheese stuffed pumpkins...they are adorable. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. thank you Kathy! anything cream cheese stuffed is right up my alley! :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D