
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

a walk down 2013: popular posts

so it's finally 2014. 
and no, i am not gonna go down the "i-can't- believe-it-where-does-the-time-go-road" but i am gonna go down the popular posts road of the year 2013. 

only cuz it seems like every other post i've read in the past few days are 2013 roundups so i guess i am joining in on that as well, 
even though i am a day and a dollar short.

oh well, 
at least the pressure is off to make new year's resolutions cuz i am doing this post today and i really never met 

well, actually i did lose 10 pounds though-not cuz i dieted, it was more cuz i spent too much time on the computer and was knee deep into blogging that i missed a few meals here and there or inhaled just a cookie for lunch just to keep my blood sugar up before i fainted from hunger.

so now that blogging has a huge impact on life today, let's see the insanity of what took many many hours of my time from other things such as washing dishes and doing laundry on a timely manner.
ok so let's take a closer look at these, 
in case you missed them.

1. first off, 
these mailboxes almost killed me when i was trying to figure out how to make them. i kept thinking cookie or cake pop or something more complicated.
then rice krispies came to mind and saved the day.

2. i was really surprised when i googled "reese's easter baskets" and didn't see these made already at the time. 
so then of course i had to make them.

3. i made some mini christmas cakestands in 2012 that were quite popular too so i took that idea and ran with it for easter.

4. oh and i still have this gumball picture hanging in my craft room. 
it's like a rainbow explosion and much to my relief, the ants have stayed away from it.

5. these cookies were a blast to make. 
i really didn't have the full concept before making them, i just played and they kinda came together. 
si senor, i like!

6. i didn't want to make one kind of popsicle so i made a bunch of different ones. it's part of the disease i have where i get excited and do too many things at once. then i have to take a long nap to recover.

7. i am still surprised how popular these minion favors are. i think it's because gru's little guys are so dang cute and has nothing to do with what i made.

8.  now these guys were a concept i had that i wasn't sure would turn out. but because i like eyes and mouth on food for whatever reason, when these guys came out, i was quite tickled at their silliness. 

9. and as for these guys, well, i was really surprised at the result. and i like the post i wrote about it. i have no idea how i came up with it to this day. but i know it's one of my faves.

10. i had to come up with a school favor treat that i could make 40 of them without losing my mind. that's a lot. but these were simple and came together quickly not to mention they were quite yummy.

11. and these jars, oh i LOVE these jars sitting in my craft room! i planned to make christmas ones but well, perhaps that will be one of my new year's resolutions for this year.

12.  these guys were funny funny funny. 
my kinda treat.

13.  now here's a "normal" post for you. but these cupcakes are anything but. when i post a recipe, it's cuz i love it and they are frequent flyers in my kitchen.

14.  these "ornaments" are not your typical ones. and they definitely brought some smiles to the recipients.

so there you go guys,
14 popular posts for the year 2013.

now it's time to think of some resolutions so i can tell you that i never met them when new year's day comes in 2015.


  1. Big smile when I saw your "pop-out-the-eyeballs-with-color-and-fun" collection!
    On the spot New Year's Resolution made: Study all carefully and announce my fave!
    Five minutes later: Resolution broken! AREADY! Sorry - just cannot decide!
    (Although I lean towards the sharks, but not sure if I'm just scared they might bite me if I don't pick 'em!!!)
    Looking forward to coming back for lots more of everything in 2014.
    Now THAT resolution will NOT be broken!
    Thanks for all the fun, Lisa! Happy 2014!

    1. oh my goodness how you crack me up J! i LOVE your honesty with the resolution! i am not a big fan of resolutions-i think most are not followed and i am proof of it.:>O anywho, i also LOVE reading your comments-they are like a story within themselves that i get so excited about when i see you came by again! here's to many many more fun together in 2014 J! YAHOOO!!! :>D

  2. Just discovered your blog recently, when you had a cross-blog with... um... somebody.... (Having trouble waking up on January 2nd -- too early!! LOL) Love your blog! LOVE it! Those sharkies make me smile and they are soooo scary yet cute and fun. I also love the Reese's Easter baskets. Those are a really good idea and so cute. Plus your writing and your sense of humor make me laugh so hard. Beyond a smile! A laugh - out loud!!! So keep it up, have a great 2014, and, looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks for all the smiles.

    1. YAY YAY YAY!! oh MissyB i am SOOO happy you found me! and thrilled you like my sillies :) thank YOU for the cheek to cheek smile-i love when nice people like you come to visit-LOVE it! :>D

  3. Well, call me crazy (most people do), but I think my faves are still the Sombrero Cookies! They cracked me up when I first saw them, and still do! Also, it seems that was right around the time I found your little gem of a blog! Have to say though, YOU are a hard act to how can you possibly top what you've already done??!! An impossible job, that only my BBFF could possibly accomplish!!! Can not wait to see what the year holds! Blessings to you and yours in the new year! Dona

    1. heeheehee those sombrero dudes are what i would like to have as one of my resolutions-more naps! but that won't happen cuz i gotta come up with more ideas for my BBFF! blessings to you too Dona XO!

  4. Love the 2013 review! Have you seen the AT&T "It's not complicated" commercial where the little boy make his New Year's "Revolution" to eat more jelly beans? I thought of you :) I say do away with resolution and go for revolutions!

    1. HA! that's hilarious Brenda! a jelly bean revolution will be on for 2014 thanks to you and the AT & T boy! Lol thanks so much! :>D

  5. There are so many posts that I didn't see - so I have truly enjoyed browsing through all your creativity and marvel at the things you come up with! Cheers to a wonderful new year!

    1. yippee!!! oh that just makes me so happy Kim! i can't wait to see what you come up with as well! :>D happy happy 2014!

  6. Thank you so much for stopping by The Weekend re-Treat this week and sharing this post with us! Wanted to stop by your blog and Pin it to our Party Boards while I was here tonight !

    Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes

    1. oh thank you so much Shauna! and of course for your party too :)

  7. You are so creative, Lisa! You always have extra little features that put your projects over the top! There are a couple here I haven't seen...the gumball picture for one:) I am going to make one stat! Happy New Year!

    1. P.S. Lisa, FYI, when I clicked on "gumball picture" it took me to the Mini Easter cake stands.

    2. oh dear! i am such a dork! fixed thanks to YOU! :>D

    3. and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Sue for your wonderful compliment :>D i'm so grateful you come by and see my over the top silliness-i can't wait to see what you have in store for us this new year! :)

  8. You are so talented and you never cease to amaze! I love your popular post round up. Thanks for sharing at Project Inspire{d}. Have a great week!

    1. and you are so kind Mary Beth! thank you for your party and have a great week too :)

  9. Some of these are my favorites but you missed some of my favorites too! You always make the coolest things I just love coming to your site to see what you have come up with next! Thanks for sharing all your creativity with us all! And Happy 2014!

    1. happy 2014 to you and yours too Tracey! i'm so happy you like my stuff and visit often-it makes my day! :)

  10. I always love seeing what you create each week! You are one of the most imaginative people I have ever known! Keep it coming! Thank you for linking at Show Me Your Plaid Monday's!!! You have been Pinned!

    1. oh WOW thank you Chandra! i'll try to keep it coming without exhausting my old brain-lol thank YOU for your party and the pin too! :>D

  11. Your ideas always amaze me Lisa! Love the Valentine mailboxes! You had many more I loved btw! Happy New Year and thanks for sharing at the party! Theresa @DearCreatives

    1. awww thank you SO much Theresa! i gotta find something else to "kill my brain" as the mailboxes seem to be a popular fave-LOL happy 2014 to you too! :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D