
Thursday, October 3, 2013

lenticular scary art halloween cupcake toppers

well guys, 
i've done wore myself out making halloween tricks and treats that i really need to get some sleep!
so while i am snoozing, i have a guest post for you today!

let's welcome Mr.Leonardo da Skely shall we? 

so hey, Mr. da Skely, are you ready? 
cuz i really wanna take a nap now.
what?! don't even tell me you are not ready with a post!
 i told you 500 years ago before you were petrified bone that you would be guest posting!
ok now it looks like something. 
sorry to spaz out on you Mr. da Skely. 
take it away!...
what?! no instructions?
i guess this is a self-guided tutorial? 
well, from what i gather you made the frames one by one out of black candy melt, made some square white chocolates, glued them together with more candy melt, then made the picture look old by smearing a little more black candy on it before drawing your picture.
oh and i see your frames are purposefully cracked to give it more of a worn look.
a self-portrait?
Mr. da Skely, this is not about you!
what else ya got?
whoa! eating hearts? that's nasty!
on a stick?
well, at least you explained yourself...
hey whoa!
look at that! 
why, you came through after all Mr. Leonardo da Skely!
and you brought your wife along?!
i must agree with her!
those red eye sprinkles kill me.
 i think we need to celebrate! 
screw the nap and let's have a party!
you go Leonardo! raise the roof!


whoa! TWO title pictures?
i think you are pushing it.
perhaps you are a little excited? 

yeah whatev.
i think you need to chill out now Leonardo. 
them ole bones of yours are gonna break.......

aw what the heck, let's join in!
thanks for giving us a scream Mr. da Skely!
you're a roof raiser.


  1. Oh my word! These are GREAT!!!!! Where did you find the frame mold???? There's no way I have the artistic ability that you have, but it will be a hoot to give it a try!!! Leonardo is quite a personality, isn't he? Real sexy wife too! Oh, girl. You are really talented! Can't wait to see what's next! Now I'm gonna take a nap! Your BBFF, Dona

    1. oh you are SOOO sweet Dona! and funny to boot! :>D i got the martha stewart frame mold at michael's but they're at jo ann fabrics too. i had fun with Mr. da Skely, i think i should have him and his sexy wife back again. LOL a jillion thanks again and happy snoozing! heehee :)

  2. LOL How cute can you get? Those red eyes that just POP really crack me up! I don't know if I would be successful at making these - I don't have a frame mold - but I can picture them on a tray of assorted Halloween cookies - and they would be the hit of the party!

    1. are you kidding me J? you can totally make these (i've seen your creativity on your awesome blog) and imagine how cute they would be if your grand kids drew on them! thank you sooooo much for coming by and leaving wonderful comments!!!! :>D

  3. Lisa, these are so adorable, and your post made me Lol! What a creative cupcake topper for Halloween. I love the frames and how you smudged the "canvas" to make them look old. Super creative and amazingly cute!

    1. oh thank you Aida! that smearing was totally accidental. playing with black candy melt is messy so when i was getting color all over the place, ahem, i mean when Mr. da Skely was getting color all over the picture, he just decided to leave it be! LOL btw your pics are utterly fantastic on your blog! :)

  4. Lisa, as always FANTASTIC! These are great. Thanks for sharing with us at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.
    Sew Crafty Angel

  5. These are so cute! What a fun idea :)

    1. i was real excited when i got the idea for these Chelsea! i wonder though if they look too advanced? but anyone can draw whatever they want on them, like the simple ghost or pumpkin i did. i'm SOOO happy you like them :>D

  6. When I see posts like this I remember exactly why I love your blog!

    Thank you so much for sharing these with me on #CraftyOctober at The Purple Pumpkin Blog! ^_^

    1. HAHA i'm so happy you don't run away from it! ;) thank you SO much Michelle!!!

  7. I love these! Great idea! You are just so clever! I really like all the different skeleton portraits! I'm pinning these! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

    1. YAY!!! thank you T'onna! now if only i could sew like you i'd be a happy camper! :)

  8. awwww THANK YOU THANK YOU thị hậu nguyễn! i'm thrilled you stopped by! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D