
Thursday, September 19, 2013

marshmallow pumpkins on a vine and Kids in the Kitchen

h'lo all you crazy fall/autumn pinners you!
how's 'bout an easy food craft today?

this one is a fallish/autumnish/halloweenish kinda treat.
well, maybe the vine part is a little much for you but you can always leave that part out...

jet puff now makes pumpkin spice marshmallows. pretty yummy huh?

take that along with some sour belt candy and do this:
i won't bore you with my usual step by step instructions. 
it's kinda self-explanatory by the pics i suppose,
as all you do is stack some marshmallows, dip it then decorate with the green part of sour belts, orange candy melt and green starburst candy leaves.
so see, you can do any kind of design you want. 
i made some horizontal and vertical.
then i stuck the stick in a colorful straw for the last little detail.

after i made these, i thought it would be cute as name placecards for parties too by writing the names of your guests on it like i did for the eeek! pumpkins.

unless you know someone by the name of "eeek!" then you are already done with one placecard. do you know of such a person?

...i kinda do...

that person would be me, actually, as i have been saying "eeek!" a lot cuz halloween is coming and i have a million things i wanna create but this nursing job is taking up so much of my energy lately. now all i have time for lately, is pretty much nothing...

see what i mean?
it makes one crazy.

crazy enough to make all her pictures turn into cartoons.
oh well, at least you always have a party to look forward to on Thursday nites in September around here.

so go on and please link up!
it's my 3rd week with Kids in the Kitchen, thanks to 
i only have one more as co-host after this one so let's make this one a BIG one and then really really end on a grand note for next week's party ok? 

here are the deets again on the party...

Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen. 

This September, come join me and my co-hosts, Melinda at Look What Mom FoundPaula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update. We just want to see what you are up to each week.

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky


  1. Okay - so I went a little "nuts" linking up! But that's what your site does to me - I get all smiley and giddy and can't wait to have fun too! Besides, you did say we should end on a grand note!
    Your pumpkin sticks are darling - good way to feed 'em to the kiddies without sticky little hands planted all over the dog before I can get to the wash cloth!

    1. LOL! i think the dog wouldn't mind when he went to lick his fur :>D and i am soooo happy you stayed awhile at the party J! i enjoyed reading all your posts. you are one FUN grandma! :>D

  2. Love your super cute pumpkin sticks!! EEEK!

    1. haha i'll take that "EEEK" to mean a good thing Kim! :)

  3. Cute and easy....a perfect match! Thanks again, my BBFF, for an awesome idea!! Dona

    1. can you tell i was tired this week BBFF? maybe i should be tired more to make easier stuff people will actually do! LOL thanks a million again Dona! :>D

  4. Oh those pumpkins are cute and super easy! LOVE THEM!!! Thanks so much for hosting Lisa!

    1. you are so so so sweet Tracey! thanks so much for always coming by. i really appreciate it! and of course for linking up too :)

  5. These are adorable Lisa! Thanks for hosting!

    1. thank you Diana! i'm happy you linked up and think your bento boxes are wonderful! :)

  6. This is so stinkin cute! I love it!

    1. oh wow thank you so much Rachee! i love it when somebody says my stuff is stinkin cute lol :>D

  7. Quick, easy, and fun... what a perfect Halloween craft!

    1. thank you BecHeflin! it's almost a little too easy for me LOL :)

  8. Cute idea! Don't forget to link up to The DIY'ers.

  9. Replies
    1. YAY! you came to visit me Kim! it's always a pleasure having you here! thanks so much :>)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D