
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

hot cocoa s'more mugs

you lucky freezing people you.
oh how i envy you!

10 degrees?
lemme have it.
7 layers of clothing?
lemme have it.
get up 3 hours before you have to be at work so you can defrost your car window or shovel your driveway?
lemme have it.

i am seriously serious.
i grew up in that kinda weather for 21 years and 
oh how i miss it so!
i have the BEST memories of playing in the snow...

right now living in florida in the heat is soooooo old it has fried my brain and caused me to go into brain blockage that i couldn't think of what to make.
thus my lack of posts lately.

luckily a nice cup of cocoa helped.
what's that you say?
that's not the cocoa you were thinking of?

oh goodie!
let's make this one then.
darn home goods. 
i walk in there all innocent only to leave with a bag of stuff i never realized i couldn't live without.
normal people would use these cutters for cookies but since i'm not normal and would rather freeze to death than bask in the sun, we'll move on.
careful cutting that hole!
you don't wanna crack the cracker.
i used a hand sized paring knife and it worked :)
let's add some yummies.

i didn't have any stacker marshmallows thus the use of the fluff which actually worked out better.

yup, these suckers actually stand alone.

and if that wasn't enough, 
i added a little personality.
did you ever think a cup of cocoa would have eyelashes?
i realize the cutter may be hard to find so i tried cutting it myself and it worked.
not perfect but good enough :)

but here's a cutter that could work too i think, you'll just have to use a regular size graham cracker though.
did you notice the different versions?
keep 'em in the freezer until you're ready to munch on them since the fluff can ooze and get kinda melty. 
i added the heart nose so you can make a lovin' cup of cocoa for this upcoming valentine's day for your sweetie too.

and there you have it.
now if you'll excuse me, 
i'm gonna go have a hot cocoa s'more mug with a cup of hot cocoa in this 80 degree humidity heat while i dream of 
fluffy snow and icicles, 
which by the way, you can send me any day.


  1. Oh my goodness, Lisa, these are just too cute and could I trade a little snow for some sunshine???

    1. i'm right on it Kim! how much sunshine do you want? a year's full? cuz we got plenty to spare! as for me i'll take a blizzard or two-enough to cancel school and work so we can enjoy these hot cocoa mugs! heehee :>D

  2. Oh, wow! Adorbs! I'm so glad you showed us how to cut them ourselves, too! Oh, my BBFF, you have such a fecund mind! (hehe...look that up in your Funk & Wagnell!!) (anyone know where that came from??) Yep, new year, new Thesaurus!! Great job, girl! Dona

    1. HAHAHA well this fecund mind of mine had no idea what that meant Dona and with no Funk & Wagnell around either i resorted to mr. google! you keep teaching me new words my BBFF and i'll keep teaching you how to cut graham crackers! LOL :>D

  3. These are perfect for our too cold morning here in Georgia! My hubby's truck thermometer registered 9 degrees @ 7:30 am! Funny you said the heat has fried you're brain, 'cause I've been thinking I have "brain freeze" with no new crafty ideas. ;) You're hot cocoa mugs are too cute!

    1. thank you so much!!! 9 degrees of brain freeze sounds awesome Karen! :>O over the weekend i was putting my christmas decorations away and i was soooo hot and sweaty i stuck my head in the freezer and dang did that feel good! doesn't help that i get hot flashes either :>O maybe you could stick your head in the oven for a sec to thaw out your brain? just don't burn yourself! LOL

  4. These are totally adorable. What a fun idea!

  5. Who wouldn't like these? Those are so adorable and of course I want to take a big fat bite out of it right now. :) Visiting from Crafty and Delicious Party! Sharing!

    1. oh now THAT'S a wonderful start to the day Kim! thank you sooo much!!! hope you get to make these so you can have your big fat bite! heehee ;)

  6. Wow soo cute! I hope I can find same cutter here in the Philippines. Very nice!


    1. the Philippines?!?! hey that's my nationality so i'm sending you filipino wishes in the hopes of finding the cutter Neri Ann! :) thanks for stopping by!

  7. These are so cute!! Thanks for linking up and sharing I can't wait to try!

  8. Soo cute!! I love the mug shape..I could make tea cookies!! I found you on Tatertots and Jello:)

    1. tea cookies would be very cute Tiffany! especially with eyelashes. LOL! thank you so much for stopping by! :)

  9. You've done it again - such a funny, sweet idea! I feel for you in all that heat - you poor thing! We're kind of mild here in the UK, a bit windy but I think a cold snap is on it's way for us. I guess we all just need to be careful what we wish for though!

    1. awww thank you Julia! you are super sweet! i guess the heat right now isn't so bad-it's the summer that i actually melt and wish for anything below 80! lol but you are exactly right, we gotta be careful what we wish for! :>O

  10. This is so cute!! What a fun idea:)

    1. thank you Ginnie! it's all about fun over here so no posts about work and life struggles too much-lol hope you come back! :>D

  11. These little mugs of hot cocoa are just the sweestest! I love Home Goods ... just never know what treasures you will find!

    1. thank you Brenda! but that darn home goods. once i pay the credit card off, it goes back up again but holy cow i find SOOO many goodies there i just can't stay away! :>O

  12. These are too cute! I know my munchkins would love them!

    1. thank you!!! and i'm sure you could easily transform these into an adorable cookie Sue! it's got your name written all over it :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D