
Sunday, May 11, 2014

on being a mom

oh my gosh you guys i have been trying to create something for mom's day only to come up with failure after failure.
these are suppose to be flower chips taken from an idea i saw here.

i was insistent on making them.
but when they came out of the oven, and looked like they were dying, i thought, 
"hmm...i'll make them into plain colored chips."
 so i did and they came out of the oven looking 
like dead petals.  

"ok...i'll make them BIG chips."
so they came out of the oven 
looking like flat cakes instead of chips.
flimsy soft chips.
then i got to thinking, why the heck am i SOOOOO determined to make a post about another food craft? while all the while something in the back of my mind said it was time to write about being a mom. 

so here goes.

being a mom.
means pulling your hair out right when you just got it styled and lookin' all pretty and 
every. piece. of. hair. is. in. place.

being a mom.
means finding treasures that make you hold your breath from smelling the green mold and squint your eyes so you won't clearly see the nastiness that has grown on the thermos cup that was in your kid's bedroom for God knows how long cuz you just found it.
being a mom.
means picking that pee-stained mattress cover in the middle of the night off the floor when you threw it down to change the bed at its wettest part before you toss it in the washing machine.
being a mom.
helpingwithhomeworkdisciplinedatingadvice washingcookingbakingvacuumingdusting foldingpackinglunchesmonitoringsocialmedia
and and and and and...
forcing small sized dress shirts onto big sized bodies because you forgot to get a new one for the holidays and telling your child, "oh it looks just fine!"
being a mom.
being a mom makes it perfectly acceptable to whine and cry all day about how tired you are to other moms. plus its ok to consult without feeling like a failure.

being a mom means its ok to play deaf.

or actually want to go to work.
or not.
so here's hoping you get lots and lots of heavy duty clothespins today.
and make sure you tell your mom happy mother's day too cuz you know she has all the answers.
so here's to you, mom, and to your mom.
you smart woman you.
and here's hoping you're not doing this today:
so consider this your official excuse to take a nap. 
you'll need the energy to avoid craft fails.
oh but give those sweet kids a kiss first.
you know you couldn't live without them.

happy mommy's day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day - and btw, I LOVE your chips! :)

    1. happy mommy's day to you too Kim! hope it was happy like you always make me :) i bet you could figure out a way to make the chips shine! :)

  2. Happy Mother's Day. I think your flower cookies look pretty, but I totally understand getting frustrated when something doesn't turn out as planned in the kitchen. I made something this week that took hours and it did not look good enough to use on my blog. It's a bummer when we fail, but we still love you!

    1. thank you SO much Beth! and we ALL adore and love you whatever you make Beth! seriously you are in a rare class in of itself! i consider those hours we spend on the kitchen doing craft fails are hard lessons learned-but somehow we manage! :)

  3. Isn't that just part of being a crafty person? Having the perfect picture in your head and never finding the way to make it actually look the same?! Been there, done that! But like you, I just keep on moving over to the next idea! Then when THAT one comes out perfect, all is well again!
    I adored your description of motherhood. Every word is true! The constant state of alertness that's required even on a "slow news" day is what wore me out the most. And the wailing of "moooooom!" I plead guilty to "selective deafness" on that count - and now I'm even tempted to use it on the grandkids - but I don't! Now that's an entirely different world! Just believe us grandmas when we tell you that, even if you're tempted to be skeptical - like I was!

    1. i have no idea why us crafters are so determined to "get it right" and keep going instead of pitching it and calling it a day-but i guess if we did that we'd have no crafts around! lol and that constant state of alertness is what i am diagnosing myself with thanks to you cuz i am currently experiencing that mental fatigue! perhaps i will go get me some ear plugs and fade into the night so i can nurse my deaf condition to lullaby land! LOL i look forward to entering the grandma world! :>D

  4. OK. I signed up through Bloglovin'. and in doing so, found THIS! Another great post I missed!!! I'd sign up for RSS feed too....if I knew what it was! I don't want to miss your posts! They can't do this to us! You're my BBFF! I can't miss anything you write!!!!!!!! Dona

  5. Replies
    1. YAY!!!! I think i would go into withdrawal symptoms knowing you couldn't find me either Dona! i love ALL your comments even the "oops"! :>D! and guess what i don't even know what RSS is either! it was just there when i started this blog! lol! oh hey while i'm thinking about it you might want to check out my rice krispie ovens and just put it in the search box because i am replying through my phone and these little buttons are too darn small for me to navigate to put the link on for you :>O


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D