
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

pie trivets

it's turkey time month!
and the goodies both savory and sweet 
are taking over blog world.

let's join in on the fun!
who knew ikea corkboard trivets are really 
pie crusts in disguise?
and sharpie markers make beautiful pie crust edges?!
ooo! this is looking good.
acrylic paints make yummy pie filling. 
and if you don't like it, you can always paint over it like i did here since my hubby said it looked like a cucumber pie at first...

remind me not to ask him for his opinion.
he said this pie looked like pepperoni.

remind me again not to ask him for his opinion.
he actually got this one right.

 he's such a simple man.

guess i mean that in a good way.......?
and woohoo! you're done.

wanna see how they "came outta the oven"?
and if you don't, 
you can always put a piping hot pie on top of it instead.


  1. This is just the cutest idea ever - I love how much they look like real pies!!! I'm much more likely to make a pie trivet instead of a real pie! :)

    1. LOL! i must admit Kim, these trivets were more fun to make than a usual apple pie! i didn't even have to peel any either! hehe thank you SOO much! :)

  2. Oooo......cute!!!! I see these as little gifts for Christmas! By the way, I love the new background. Liked the black, but it wasn't YOU, ya know? This isn't jelly beans, but it's colorful....just like you! The BBFF, Dona

    1. HA! well when i saw the jelly beans and the pumpkins for halloween, it just didn't go y'know? so i tried to make the blog look spooky. so now that we are into Nov. i wanted colorful turkeys but thought that would be a little much-lol anyway, never thought about christmas gifts yet but that would be cute to give with along with a christmas pie. great thinking Dona, you smart BBFF you! :)

  3. Lisa,
    These are adorable! I think your pies look just like pies (although I do agree they're a bit on the flat side :) My favorite is the cherry or the pumpkin...or the apple. I love them all!

    1. YAY! i love that you love them all Aida! i think a chocolate cream pie with chips and whipped cream would be fun to make too-definitely a lot easier than that apple pie i made! LOL thanks again! :)

  4. these are soooo cute!!! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. You help to make it so much fun.♥

  5. These are so cute ! How totally creative :-)

    1. thank you Linda! the idea first was to just draw on the trivets but then i was cleaning and ran into the pie tins i had leftover from a party. i guess it pays to clean sometimes! LOL :)

  6. This is so adorable and ingenious. I especially like the pumpkin pie with the whipped cream detail.

    1. i was tempted to put more whipped cream on the pumpkin pie but think simple is better. sometimes i have to stop myself from going overboard! ha. thank you SO much Andrea! :>D

  7. How cute is this? Trivets that look like pies!! Thanks for sharing. Linda

    1. you are so welcome Linda! and these pies are calorie free too! hehe :)

  8. This is hilarious, love it! I'd love to have you come share on the weekend re-Treat link party that ends tonight -

    Britni @ Play. Party. Pin.

    1. all linked up Britni! thank YOU so much for appreciating my silly humor :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D