
Monday, August 6, 2012

school paper packet snacks

that is very strange.

but i am up for the challenge!
dang man! that is freakin' teeny tiny print!

but i got this.

ok seems like i have to check the end of the post to see how to get this paper and tape it on my window...
then i gotta do what?
ok. bags are taped. 
let's feed it thru the printer and say a little prayer...
cool beans! it worked :)
so i'll put these aside and start working on the actual snacks now.
onto snack number two.
i was always a brownie geek at why not make more brownie points?
snacks done-checked.

extra credit done-checked.

now onto the finishing touches.
hand it into Ms. Jones along with a shiny apple and toothy grin.
what a brownie :>P
details on materials above:

1. mini school paper bags
i got mine HERE

2. for the word document
use THIS FONT and type "have a great school year" 4 times on a word document or whatever you have and print it out; i eye-balled placement of the words when i typed it since you place the bags over it anyway; someday when i can figure out how to do a nice printable, i will do that next time to save you the trouble :>P

3. clip-out ruler
on google image HERE 
yeah yeah, i know it's not purplish pink color like i have above but my printer was running low on ink & i was in the middle of making this post around midnite & too lazy to go to staples store anyway :>P

4. pink eraser google image
i didn't have a pink eraser lying around so i googled it. then i got a million eraser art images when i only needed one to reference how to write on it and see what i mean.

this post was entered in this contest :)
yowza wonder if i'll win?  naw....


  1. SOOOOO cute!!! I love this so much. Makes back to school almost fun!!!! Enjoy the last few weeks before school!

  2. Thank ya Tanya! :) Anything to make school fun huh? LOL

  3. Love the salty sweet! Those turned out totally adorable and so tasty, too, I'm sure! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you Michelle! Thanks to you and your 2 awesome blogs I can share it on your link parties :)

  4. hahahaha LOVE this!! You're so much fun!!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

    1. Oh goodie then my silly tag line of "serious fun...seriously" is working! (at least for this post-heehee) Thank you Christine!

  5. Tooo CUTE! I'll be making one of these for my son's first day next week! Thanks for sharing ~ Hope you can swing by my neck of the woods at Cheers!

    1. Hooray! It's a happy day when a reader makes something from this nutty blog :) All the best to you & your son & his new school year ahead-hope he likes the snack bag! Oh and I'll come over your blog-thanks for the invite!

  6. Checking you from the link party at 30 Handmade Days. This is so adorable! I think you did a really good job! Hope you can visit my blog at . Have a super day! :-) Tonya

    1. Thank you Tonya! You got me chirping with excitement at your comment :) I'll check your blog today!:)

  7. Ha!! That pencil cracked me up. Mine don't start until Sept 4th, but I'll definitely have to throw this in!

    Have a great weekend!

    Erika @ Southern Belle as an Army Wife

    1. Aw you lucky dog! That means you have a few more weeks of summer. Hope your kiddies like the snacks :) Thanks so much Erika! Have a good one too from me and my funny pencil :)

  8. Those pretzel pencils are such a darling idea! I'm excited to be a new follower from a blog hop! Feel free to follow back

    1. Hubba Hubba! Don't mind me, I just like sayin' that. I am bowing down to you for being a follower-yahooo! I'll check out your blog too :) Thanks again!

  9. This is seriously adorable!!! I love that you added the gum eraser!!! Way fun!!!! I am pinning this for sure!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Erin! (I'll keep this short & sweet like your comment too-oops! too late i overthunk...)

  11. Oh My! So cute and creative! I hope you will link up tomorrow to The CSI Project starting tomorrow. The challenge is Back to School Projects. You just might win. Each week is a new challenge with 3 tutorials, giveaway and a fun guest judge.
    Come on over!

    1. Oh thank you CSI girl! I think I will be knocking at your door tomorrow :)

  12. OH MY!! I love it! What a great idea. My daughter wants to make them for her class.....thank you for the wonderful idea. And isnt shopsweetlulu awesome?

  13. Oh yay Lara! Glad to hear you wanna make some :) And about shopsweetlulu...DANGEROUS place for my wallet! LOL

  14. GINGER! YOU just made my Thursday a Totally Terrific Thursday! YAHOO!!!

  15. Love this!! Featuring you tomorrow night at my party. Thanks so much for linking up with us!

    1. YAHOOOOOO! AWESOME! Thank you SOOOOOOO much Kristi!!! :)


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D