
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

fruit salad mason jar lights

how much fruit do you eat?
if you've hung around this blog awhile you may have noticed that fruit is lacking 'round here.

it's not purposeful though.
it's just that i tend to lean toward unhealthy foods 
(ie: cookies, cakes, donuts and such)compared to healthy foods when it comes to my food crafting.

i think it's all the nursey stuff i have to do all the time so i gravitate to sweets, 
cuz it's just more fun.

but today is different cuz i have some fun fruit for ya finally!

well, sort of.
does this count?
these guys make me giggle!

keep reading to make your giggle fruit too.
i've had that stripe green tissue paper for while now and so so sorry but i have no clue where i got it! 
but try any green tissue paper even if it's patterned because it'll add to the whimsy of these lights.

ok next up:
no need to measure your squares or anything since you want them to overlap each other.
and no need to glue them on perfectly either.
kids can help too!

now let's tackle the lid.
gluing the tissue paper strips for the leaves onto the cardstock gives them strength to stick out.
just freehand cut the leaves. 
the more imperfect the better whimsy.

now time for the face.
use any jar you want. don't worry about the shape or size to match the fruit.
that's the fun of these jars.

no worries=more fun

so using the same steps above, only making different leaves and a folded rectangle nose, make him:
or her:

so now that i got a fruit salad going, 
i think we need a purple something.
(or maybe mister grape?!)
anyway we now we have our salad.

so how's 'bout it?
put more fruit light in your daily life.
summer's comin' real soon and fruit's always the best kinda treat to have.
sugar or no sugar.

oh and speaking of sugar, sweet Dawn did a whole post on me on her blog, PRETTY SHABBY UK.
hope you check it out even though i shy away from things like these-lol


  1. Ut oh. You are gettin' wise to me. You KNEW I'd ask where you got that stripped paper, didn't you? So add mind reader to your list of accomplishments! These are adorable! And I totally think my home schooler could do this (with help, of course, he's only 3)!! OK, my BBFF. Rest your brain, because this idea is mind-boggling! hehe Dona

    1. hi Dona! well i am taking your advice to rest my brain cuz i have this pounding headache that won't go away! :>O maybe my mind reader allotment is up? LOL so happy to hear you can do this with your 3-yr-old! you're the best, BBFF! :>D

  2. I totally love your take on the fruit salad!! Super cute!

    1. thank you thank you Kim! now if only i could find a banana shaped jar...LOL ;)

  3. So cute and clever...thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. My kids are going to love this craft! Thank you very much for a great summertime activity idea!

    1. yippee! it gets me stoked when someone makes my stuff :>D thanks so much Jerusha!

  5. Adorable! We'll make these with Grandma at her retirement center, she loves healthy items, and these are so cute!! :)

    1. oh yay! i never even thought of that so that's pretty wonderful! thank you Threezcharming! :)

  6. Love how cute and creative your fruit jars are..they totally count.Let your light shine! These are so cheerful and looks like the grandkiddos could have a lot of fun making them!

    1. my light shines when i get super sweet comments from people like you Karen! hope your grandkiddos make a fruit salad too :)

  7. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me, Lisa! These are so darn CUTE!

    1. and you are so darn NICE! thank you Sue! :>D (hey i bet you could make some really cute cookies like these-hehe) ;)

  8. What a fun idea to make with the kids and entice them to eat more fruit. Love it. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. hey you just gave me an idea Kathy! instead of using a light, you could actually put real fruit in these! YAY! thanks for the idea-heehee and of course for another party too :)

  9. Aww...these turned out SO cute!!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  10. What can I say ....Your creations make me happy :-D

    1. and your comments make me super happy Mila! THANK YOU! :>D


here's wishing for a stuffed comment box... :>D